Agenda's for PK-8th

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Agenda 3/5-3/9

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!
Mrs. Angela Simms

PK- Does not meet due to ISTEP

1st grade- Walking for Lent, Cultural Music Unit-Africa, Spain, Native American, and Latin America

2N: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Baa Baa Black Sheep with Boom whackers in groups
2/3E: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Lullaby with Boom Whackers
3rd grade Mrs. Ray's:  Boom whackers in groups, they pick songs, prgress continues on songs. 
4th grade Eastman- Indiana Composers projects continue.  Projects are presented, please ask to see if your child did not complete the project, I will need to homework notice signed and submitted by Monday.  review notes and staff if time.
4/5 Glenn: Notes and staff review for recorders next week.
5 Mc: Barred instruments learning and performing in pairs and groups
Jubilance, Band, 6, 7, 8 grade General Music Classes: This is ISTEP week so the kids will have 1 Unified Arts Period from 7:45-8:25 to get moving.  We will be doing some brain gym activites, dancing, walking, moving and streching.  We want those brains awake for ISTEP Testing.  
Have a great Week!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Music Agenda 2/27-3/2

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!
Mrs. Angela Simms

PK- Two Little Blackbirds, My Aunt came Back, Ali Baba, There was a Man and he was mad, Ensy Wensy Spider, Bill Grogen Goat.

1st grade- Three Blind Mice, with Boom whackers in groups

2N: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Baa Baa Black Sheep with Boom whackers in groups
2/3E: Holy Thurs Music Practice, ISTEP Prep reading comprehension questions
3rd grade Mrs. Ray's:  Boom whackers in groups, they pick songs, ISTEP Prep reading comprehension questions
4th grade Eastman- Indiana Composers projects continue.  Working with Prezi, Xtranormal and Powerpoint
 Final Due Date is 2/29
4/5 Glenn: Tempo and Dynamic practice, ISTEP Prep reading comprehension questions
5 Mc: ISTEP Prep reading comprehension questions, barred instruments 
6 General Music
Completed Stations due Tuesday. 
7 General music
Experiments with Bill Nye and Final Thoughts and reflection on music and science.

8 General Music
 Choir Chimes
Glee Projects Due Monday
Instrument unit with imporvising and creating
Mass Practice
Important Updates!!!
Please check grades weekly through the grade book link on the front of the page, I will always keep you up to date of any concerns I am seeing with you child also!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Agenda 2/20-2/24

I will be returning Monday from being ill. You may have noticed the blog did not change AGAIN very much from the prior week. I was sick this week and students worked on ISTEP preparation, or dancing and singing with the substitutes.  We will pick up with last week's lessons.  Any questions or comments please let me know.  Have a great weekend!

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!
Mrs. Angela Simms

Review:  There was a Man and he was mad, My Aunt Came Back, Eensy Spider, Aiken Drum, Bill Grogen, Goat, Johnny Had One Friend, Grandma's Glasses, Jeanie Jenkins, Father Grumble, A Ram Sam Sam

Kindergarten: Instrument Composition, Piper Piper, Hello Song, Instrument story and sounds

1st: "The Days of the Week"
Boom Whacker Play with Twinkle Twinkle- reading music begins

2N: Holy Thurs Music Practice, listening and analyzing music
2/3E: Holy Thurs Music Practice, ISTEP Prep
3rd grade Mrs. Ray's: Articulation, Tempo, Dynamics, with listening and analyzing examples continues, ISTEP Prep
4th grade Eastman- Indiana Composers projects continue.  Working with Prezi, Xtranormal and Powerpoint
 Final date changed to the following week.
4/5 Glenn: Tempo and Dynamic lists and assessment
5 Mc: Terms and notation find and clickers quiz for assessment Tuesday
6 General Music
Stations with improvising complete ISTEP Prep

7 General music
Homework: Tonality: intervals, scales, solfege....interval apps- please bring technology to class.

8 General Music
 Choir Chimes
Glee Projects
Next Sunday Mass TBD
Important Updates!!!
Please check grades weekly through the grade book link on the front of the page, I will always keep you up to date of any concerns I am seeing with you child also!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Agenda 2/13-2/17-12

You may have noticed the blog did not change very much from the prior week. I was sick this week and students worked on ISTEP preparation, or dancing and singing with the substitutes.  We will pick up with last week's lessons.  Any questions or comments please let me know.

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!

Review:  There was a Man and he was mad, My Aunt Came Back, Eensy Spider, Aiken Drum, Bill Grogen, Goat, Johnny Had One Friend, Grandma's Glasses, Jeanie Jenkins, Father Grumble, A Ram Sam Sam

Kindergarten: Instrument Composition, Piper Piper, Hello Song, Instrument story and sounds

1st: "The Days of the Week"
Boom Whacker Play with Twinkle Twinkle- reading music begins

2N: Holy Thurs Music Practice, listening and analyzing music
2/3E: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Chinese Dance...listening and analyzing, ISTEP Prep
3rd grade Mrs. Ray's: Articulation, Tempo, Dynamics, with listening and analyzing examples continues, ISTEP Prep
4th grade Eastman- Indiana Composers projects continue.  Working with Prezi, Xtranormal and Powerpoint
 Final date changed to the following week.
4/5 Glenn: Tempo and Dynamic lists and assessment
5 Mc: Terms and notation find and clickers quiz for assessment Tuesday
6 General Music
Stations with improvising continues

7 General music
Homework: Tonality: intervals, scales, solfege....interval apps- please bring technology to class.
interval worksheet

8 General Music
 Choir Chimes
Glee Projects
Next Sunday Mass TBD
Important Updates!!!
This Sunday the choir will NOT be singing in the Mass.  Due to my illness we will reschedule the choir participation. 

Please check grades weekly through the grade book link on the front of the page, I will always keep you up to date of any concerns I am seeing with you child also!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Agenda 2/6-2/10

If you need anything, please give me a class or email me...I am here for you!

Review:  Two Little Blackbirds Ali Baba, There was a Man and he was mad, My Aunt Came Back, Eensy Spider, Aiken Drum, Bill Grogen, Goat, Johnny Had One Friend, Grandma's Glasses, Jeanie Jenkins, Father Grumble, A Ram Sam Sam

Kindergarten: Instrument Composition, Piper Piper, Hello Song, Instrument story and sounds

1st: "The Days of the Week"
Boom Whacker Play with Twinkle Twinkle- reading music begins

2N: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Chinese Dance...listening and analyzing
2/3E: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Chinese Dance...listening and analyzing, ISTEP Prep
3rd grade Mrs. Ray's: Articulation, Tempo, Dynamics, with listening and analyzing examples continues, ISTEP Prep
4th grade Eastman- Indiana Composers projects continue.  Working with Prezi, Xtranormal and Powerpoint
4/5 Glenn: Tempo and Dynamic lists and assessment
Copland, Fanfare of the Common Man, ISTEP Prep
5 Mc: Terms and notation find and clickers quiz for assessment Monday
Copland, Fanfare of the Common Man
6 General Music
Stations with improvising continues
Homework: Music History Article- ISTEP Prep

7 General music
Homework: Tonality: intervals, scales, solfege....interval apps- please bring technology to class.
interval worksheet
Music History Article - ISTEP Prep

8 General Music
 Choir Chimes
Renissance Article Work-ISTEP Prep
Glee Projects
Mass Focus-Feb 12th

Important Updates!!!
The next Mass is Feburary 12th, please be here at 11:30 in the music room!  Please let me know if they cannot attend!

Please check grades weekly through the grade book link on the front of the page, I will always keep you up to date of any concerns I am seeing with you child also!