Agenda's for PK-8th

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Agenda 11/5-11/9

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for your child and you! !
Mrs. Angela Simms
Kindergarten: Proofing the video "Gettin' Down with Mama Goose" program videos.  If you ordered a video they will de distributed this week to your child's classroom.  In this class, kids will critique themselves and the group as a whole on what they did well and what could have been better. 

1st grade : Proofing the video "Gettin' Down with Mama Goose" program videos.  If you ordered a video they will de distributed this week to your child's classroom.  In this class, kids will critique themselves and the group as a whole on what they did well and what could have been better. 

2nd Grade: Proofing the video "Gettin' Down with Mama Goose" program videos.  If you ordered a video they will de distributed this week to your child's classroom.  In this class, kids will critique themselves and the group as a whole on what they did well and what could have been better. 
3rd Grade:  
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 1:30 and 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Island Christmas
Jesus is the Reason
Jesus Means Christmas To Me

4th Grade: 
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Cool to be Cool
Blimey Carols
Christmas Joy

5th grade:
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Pirates All Are We
Give and Take
White Beard

Jubilance Choir: more review over the voice, quiz will be next Friday!
Nursing Home and Arts Garden Field Trip
Dec. 12th all day!
Permission Slips to follow
I need chaperones, 3 actually, please let me know if you are interested!

Program Dec. 11th, 7:00 P.M.
Mass Work
"Holiday of Music"
"Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child"- Parts!
"Just One Candle"
"Christmas Jubilation"- Choreography
Sunday Masses are the fourth Sunday of the following months: September, October, November, January, February, and March- students should wear uniforms at these Masses.  Meet in the West Vestibule with Mrs. Newhart at 11:30, for the 12:00 Masses.  If I do not hear that students of Middle School Choir Members are not attending the Sunday Masses, grades will be lowered.  Please communicate, I know things come up. 

6th Grade General Music:
Singing with -Abraham, Martin and John, Free At Last, America, I am But A Small Voice, The Star Spangled Banner, America The Beautiful- Looking at terms  analyzation of words.  Reviewing key terms and music symbols.  They will also get quizzed over the terms for each of the discussion points in class.

7th Grade General Music:
Improvising as a class in music, they will be doing call and response activites which requires them to improvise.  We will create instrumental accompaniments for Yonder Come Day, and they will create instrument stories.

8th Grade General Music
Warm ups- expanding vocal range
Note Review- names and values
Scat Singing
Chords- I, IV, and V

Agenda 10/29-11/2

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for your child and you! !
Mrs. Angela Simms
Hello!  I will have a guest teacher in for me this week.  So any email communication will be responded to November 5th.  If there is an emergency, please contact Mrs. Parsons and she can communicate with me.  Have a great week!

Kids in Action, Body Rock, Animal Action 1 and 2, The Freeze, Clapping Rhythms, The count Bounce, Body Talk, Shawdow Dancing, Shoe me How you feel, Scat Like that, Adventures in Space 

1st grade :Kids in Action, Body Rock, Animal Action 1 and 2, The Freeze, Clapping Rhythms, The count Bounce, Body Talk, Shawdow Dancing, Shoe me How you feel, Scat Like that, Adventures in Space 

2nd Grade:
We will start creating in 2nd grade with instruments, our bodies and found items in the room.  We will use some of our program songs to help us learn about to create based on something prior.  They will be using their program song, Jack B. Nimble to create a instrmental and body percussion parts.  

3rd Grade:  
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 1:30 and 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Island Christmas
Jesus is the Reason
Jesus Means Christmas To Me

4th Grade: 
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Cool to be Cool
Blimey Carols
Christmas Joy

5th grade:
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Pirates All Are We
Give and Take
White Beard

Jubilance Choir: Nursing Home and Arts Garden Field Trip
Dec. 12th all day!
Permission Slips to follow
I need chaperones, 3 actually, please let me know if you are interested!

Program Dec. 11th, 7:00 P.M.
Mass Work
"Holiday of Music"
"Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child"- Parts!
"Just One Candle"
"Christmas Jubilation"- Choreography
Sunday Masses are the fourth Sunday of the following months: September, October, November, January, February, and March- students should wear uniforms at these Masses.  Meet in the West Vestibule with Mrs. Newhart at 11:30, for the 12:00 Masses.  If I do not hear that students of Middle School Choir Members are not attending the Sunday Masses, grades will be lowered.  Please communicate, I know things come up. 

6th Grade General Music:
Composer Article Reading and questions on Bach

7th Grade General Music:
Composer Article Reading and questions on Vivaldi and Handel
8th Grade General Music:
Composer Article Reading and questions on Bach

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Agenda 10/22-10/26

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for your child and you! !
Mrs. Angela Simms
A huge thank you to everyone who attended the program!  It was a great success the kids were wonderful, they did a great job, all the hard work paid off!  Thank you to Mrs. Mulinaro for her work with the trees and waterfall, thank you to Mrs. Brokaw for lending use the castle.  Thank you to Mrs. Carmona for the clouds!  Thank you to Ryan Moran for his work with sound system!  Thank you to Nate Smith for his help with sound system during the program!  Huge thank you to the teachers that were helpful and made this show possible!!  Thank you to Mr. Love and Mr. Smith for their help with cords and getting our sound system ready for the show!  Thanks to the Reece Rebholz Company for their donation and time!  Thank you to Tim Oskay for all his work! Thank you to all the kids who helped get the gym ready! 
Kindergarten: We will be working through some Kindergarten based Curriculum called “Music Effects”  it is developmentally appropriate and standards based for Kindergarten.  The first two sections are Johnny works with One Hammer, and Stars and Stripes Forever by John Phillips Sousa.  We will be focusing on music loud and soft, high low, and soft and loud.  We will look at steady beat, and learn about a composer from another time. 

1st grade :
1,2, Buckle my shoe( steady beat), Piggy Bank (learning the money terms and values),  we will be learning a song about the Days of the Week.

2nd Grade:
We will start creating in 2nd grade with instruments, our bodies and found items in the room.  We will use some of our program songs to help us learn about to create based on something prior. 

3rd Grade:  
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 1:30 and 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Island Christmas
Jesus is the Reason
Jesus Means Christmas To Me

4th Grade: 
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Cool to be Cool
Blimey Carols
Christmas Joy

5th grade:
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Pirates All Are We
Give and Take
White Beard

Jubilance Choir: more review over the voice, quiz will be next Friday!
Nursing Home and Arts Garden Field Trip
Dec. 12th all day!
Permission Slips to follow
I need chaperones, 3 actually, please let me know if you are interested!

Program Dec. 11th, 7:00 P.M.
Mass Work
"Holiday of Music"
"Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child"- Parts!
"Just One Candle"
"Christmas Jubilation"- Choreography
Sunday Masses are the fourth Sunday of the following months: September, October, November, January, February, and March- students should wear uniforms at these Masses.  Meet in the West Vestibule with Mrs. Newhart at 11:30, for the 12:00 Masses.  If I do not hear that students of Middle School Choir Members are not attending the Sunday Masses, grades will be lowered.  Please communicate, I know things come up. 

6th Grade General Music:
I wanted to communicate with all of you about why the agenda has not been changing.  The Fall Program was on Oct 16th.  It seemed to always come around that I needed help with getting the gym ready and the 6th grade general music students were the class I could use. The plans for next week are the same.  I am sorry it has been a slow process getting there.  Please be assured, they will be working on the below information!  Thank you for reading!  
Alexander's Ragtime Band- vocal reflection on voice
Singing with -Abraham, Martin and John, Free At Last, America, I am But A Small Voice - using rubric
The Star Spangled Banner- analyzation of words
America The Beautiful- Looking at terms

7th Grade General Music:
The 7th grade just took a quiz retake last week.  I realized majority of the class was struggling with being able to remember and identify their note names and values.  After looking at the quiz retakes, they did much better.  We will work on the agenda below!   Thanks for reading!
Art Terms review
Identifying Bass and Treble Clefs

8th Grade General Music
Students will take a test over the note values again, the first quiz did not go well, so we will retake on Friday Oct. 26th.  We will work on Notes on the staves also

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Agenda 10/15-10/17

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!
Mrs. Angela Simms

An email will be coming out to you which include the video order form for the “Getting Down with Mama Goose” (k-2 Fall Program). You are welcome to video on your own or you can order a copy from Movie Video Productions.  These orders need to be submitted by Oct 20th. 

Kindergaten: Fall Program:  THIS! TUESDAY! Oct 16th. 1:30 and 7:00 in the Gym. Please keep practicing speaking lines nightly and tell students to say them slowly and loud.  Practice working with them on saying them slowly and loud!!!.  Please have Costumes to school by MONDAY!  In a bag with your childs name on it.
 "Gettin down with Mama Goose"
"Hickory Dickory Hat Dance"
"Itsy Bitsy Spider"
"Five Little Monkeys"

1st grade  
 Fall Program: THIS! TUESDAY! Oct 16th. 1:30 and 7:00 in the Gym. Please keep practicing speaking lines nightly and tell students to say them slowly and loud.  Practice working with them on saying them slowly and loud!!!.  Please have Costumes to school by MONDAY!  In a bag with your childs name on it. 
"Gettin down with Mama Goose"
"Little Jack Horner"
"Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater"
"Wee Willie Winkie"

2nd Grade:THIS! TUESDAY! Oct 16th. 1:30 and 7:00 in the Gym. Please keep practicing speaking lines nightly and tell students to say them slowly and loud.  Practice working with them on saying them slowly and loud!!!.  Please have Costumes to school by MONDAY!  In a bag with your childs name on it.
 "Gettin down with Mama Goose"
"Jack B. Nimble"
"Rock A bye"
"There was an Old Women"

3rd Grade:  
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 1:30 and 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Island Christmas
Jesus is the Reason
Jesus Means Christmas To Me
4th Grade: 
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Cool to be Cool
Blimey Carols
Christmas Joy

5th grade:
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Pirates All Are We
Give and Take
White Beard

Jubilance Choir: no quiz over the voice!
Nursing Home and Arts Garden Field Trip
Dec. 12th all day!
Permission Slips to follow

Program Dec. 11th, 7:00 P.M.
Mass Work
"Holiday of Music"
"Christms Through the Eyes of a Child"- Parts!
"Just One Candle"
"Christmas Jubilation"- Choreography
Sunday Masses are the fourth Sunday of the following months: September, October, Novemeber, January, Febuary, and March- students should wear uniforms at these Masses.  Meet in the West Vestibule with Mrs. Newhart at 11:30, for the 12:00 Masses.  If I do not hear that students of Middle School Choir Members are not attending the Sunday Masses, grades will be lowered.  Please communicate, I know things come up. 

6th Grade General Music:
Working on Essays of why we should or should not sing at school
Alexander's Ragtime Band- vocal reflection on voice
Singing with -Abraham, Martin and John, Free At Last, America, I am But A Small Voice - using rubric
The Star Spangled Banner- analyzation of words
America The Beautiful- Looking at terms

7th Grade General Music:
Art Terms review
Quiz review
Identifying Bass and Treble Clefs

8th Grade General Music
Notes on the staves
Notes and their values

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Agenda 10/8-10/12

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!
Mrs. Angela Simms

An email will be coming out to you which include the video order form for the “Getting Down with Mama Goose” (k-2 Fall Program). You are welcome to video on your own or you can order a copy from Movie Video Productions.  These orders need to be submitted by Oct 20th. 

Kindergaten: Fall Program:  Oct 16th. 1:30 and 7:00 in the Gym. Please keep practicing speaking lines nightly.  Please have Costumes to school by the end of next week (Oct 12th) in a bag with your childs name on it.
 "Gettin down with Mama Goose"
"Hickory Dickory Hat Dance"
"Itsy Bitsy Spider"
"Five Little Monkeys"

1st grade  
 Fall Program: Fall Program:  Oct 16th. 1:30 and 7:00 in the Gym. Please keep practicing speaking lines nightly.  Please have Costumes to school by the end of next week (Oct 12th) in a bag with your childs name on it.
 "Gettin down with Mama Goose"
"Little Jack Horner"
"Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater"
"Wee Willie Winkie"

2nd Grade: Fall Program:  Oct 16th. 1:30 and 7:00 in the Gym. Please keep practicing speaking lines nightly.  Please have Costumes to school by the end of next week (Oct 12th) in a bag with your childs name on it.
 "Gettin down with Mama Goose"
"Jack B. Nimble"
"Rock A bye"
"There was an Old Women"

3rd Grade:  
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Script Proof
Song Introduction
Practicing Singing
Costume Discussion
4th Grade: 
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Script Proof
Song Introduction
Practicing Singing
Costume Discussion

5th grade:
Students will start practicing for their Christmas Program
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Script Proof
Song Introduction
Practicing Singing
Costume Discussion

Jubilance Choir: The voice and how it works Quiz

Nursing Home and Arts Garden Field Trip
Dec. 12th all day!
Permission Slips to follow

Program Dec. 11th, 7:00 P.M.
Mass Work
"Holiday of Music"
"Christms Through the Eyes of a Child"- Parts!
"Just One Candle"
"Christmas Jubilation"- Choreography
Sunday Masses are the fourth Sunday of the following months: September, October, Novemeber, January, Febuary, and March- students should wear uniforms at these Masses.  Meet in the West Vestibule with Mrs. Newhart at 11:30, for the 12:00 Masses.  If I do not hear that students of Middle School Choir Members are not attending the Sunday Masses, grades will be lowered.  Please communicate, I know things come up. 

6th Grade General Music:
Working on Essays of why we should or should not sing at school
Alexander's Ragtime Band- vocal reflection on voice
Singing with -Abraham, Martin and John, Free At Last, America, I am But A Small Voice - using rubric
The Star Spangled Banner- analyzation of words
America The Beautiful- Looking at terms


7th Grade General Music:
Art Terms review
Quiz review
Note Reading in books
Identifying and writing Aural examples from books
key signatures -C, G, F. 
Identifying Bass and Treble Clefs

8th Grade General Music
Notes on the staves
Notes and their values