Agenda's for PK-8th

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Music Agenda 9/1-9/5

Music Agenda 

Guitar Lessons: There is an opportunity to take Guitar at HS!  Please watch for the email to follow!

Glee Club is a new club at Holy Spirit.  It is a time for students who love to sing to get together and sing popular tunes and create presentations.  We will start meeting after school on Mondays from 2:30-3:30 in the music room. Any questions, please let me know!

Kindergarten- Hello Song,  
Goodbye song, Number Rock,Rum A Tum Tum, ABC, Sports Dance, Animals Action, Freeze Dance, Music Program Preparation begins- Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, Party Animals, Goin Bananas, Everything is Funny to me.

First Grade-  
Music Program Preparation begins- Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, We appreciate you, Frog and Toad together, Good Friends

Second Grade-  
Music Program Preparation begins- It's a Jungle out There, King of the Jungle, Forever Friends, Reprise: It's a Jungle out there.

Third Grade- Music around the world.  Students will be learning about different types of music from different cultures.

Fourth Grade- Austrian Went Yodeling Practice, Rap your name.  Students will also use standard 3.3.4 Improvise a short composition using various sounds around the song Rap your name or Austrian Went Yodeling

Fifth Grade- We're Gonna Rock Practice, Students will  continue work with the song, We're gonna Rock with this standard 5.3.1 Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic accompaniments to songs using pitched and non-pitched classroom instruments and electronic sound sources will continue.  

Choir- Vocal Terms review- Vowels, Breathing, Posture, Facial Expression, Tone Quality, Dynamic levels, This Flag We Fly, Enjoy the show, Sight Reading, Mass Practice, Mass Expectations, Figgy Pudding, Merry Merry Joy Joy, Season of Bells, Christmas Wonderland

Band-  Clefs for review in class. Hopefully 
all students will have instruments and we can begin playing by Tuesday! Guitars will look at new Guitar Tabs

Exploratory Instrument-  Rhythm Reading, Rhythm Creation and group Creation in class period. Preparing Buckets and playing percussion instruments Continued

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Music Agenda 8/25-8/29

Music Agenda 

Glee Club is a new club at Holy Spirit.  It is a time for students who love to sing to get together and sing popular tunes and create presentations.  We will start meeting after school on Mondays from 2:30-3:30 in the music room. Any questions, please let me know!

Kindergarten- procedures- sitting, places, hand, dancing, Hello Song, Rum A Tum Tum,  
Goodbye song, Number Rock,Rum A Tum Tum, ABC- steady beat on drums, Echo Rhythm Patterns on Drums, Create Rhythms on instruments, Freeze Dance, Music Program Preparation begins- It's a Jungle out There!

First Grade- Instrument improvisation and 
Music Program Preparation begins- It's a Jungle out There

Second Grade-  
Music Program Preparation begins- It's a Jungle out There!

Third Grade- Hello Hello Hello, Students will be accomplishing standard, 3.3.4 Improvise a short composition using various sounds in response to the direction of a teacher or student conductor.  This will be centered around the theme, "what does our class have in common with one another." Continued

Fourth Grade- Austrian Went Yodeling Practice, Rap your name.  Students will also use standard 3.3.4 Improvise a short composition using various sounds around the song Rap your name or Austrian Went Yodeling

Fifth Grade- We're Gonna Rock Practice, Students will  continue work with the song, We're gonna Rock with this standard 5.3.1 Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic accompaniments to songs using pitched and non-pitched classroom instruments and electronic sound sources.  

Choir- Vocal Terms review- Vowels, Breathing, Posture, Facial Expression, Tone Quality, Dynamic levels, Patriotic Piece, Enjoy the show, Sight Reading, Mass Practice

Band- Sight Reading rhythmically and Melodically.  Wednesday is a day the Musicans Repair reps will be available at Holy Spirit to submit contacts for instruments! We will work on Rhythm sheets and Clefs for review in class. Hopefully 
all students will have instruments and we can begin playing!

Exploratory Instrument-  Rhythm Reading, Rhythm Creation and group Creation in class period. Preparing Buckets and playing percussion instruments

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Music Agenda 8/18-8/22

Music Agenda 

Kindergarten- procedures- sitting, places, hand, dancing, Hello Song, Rum A Tum Tum,  
Goodbye song, Number Rock,Rum A Tum Tum, ABC- steady beat on drums, Echo Rhythm Patterns on Drums, Create Rhythms on instruments, Freeze Dance 

First Grade- Independently create and perform short rhythmic and melodic songs in groups focused on their favorite things with teacher guidance using the voice, body percussion, found items, or classroom instruments. The second class, students will perform for class.

Second Grade-  Students will be working in stations to accomplish the following standards all centered around the theme getting to know each other.  2.3.1 Improvise a short melodic phrase on a pitched classroom or keyboard instrument. 
2.3.2 Sing short questions to be answered by classmates. 2.3.3 Respond to teacher or student questions by singing and using body percussion, movement, found items, instruments, or electronic sounds. 
2.3.4 Improvise a short ostinato with a familiar song using body percussion, instruments, or movement. 

Third Grade- Hello Hello Hello, Students will be accomplishing standard, 3.3.4 Improvise a short composition using various sounds in response to the direction of a teacher or student conductor.  This will be centered around the theme, "what does our class have in common with one another."

Fourth Grade- Austrian Went Yodeling Continued, Rap your name.  Students will also use standard 3.3.4 Improvise a short composition using various sounds around the song Rap your name

Fifth Grade- We're Gonna Rock, Glee Club option, program discussion Students will use the songs , we're gonna Rock with this standard 5.3.1 Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic accompaniments to songs using pitched and non-pitched classroom instruments and electronic sound sources.  

Choir- Vocal Terms review- Vowels, Breathing, Posture, Facial Expression, Tone Quality,   Mass Expectations, Glee Club, Thursday Quiz

Band- Sight Reading rhythmically and Melodically.  FRIDAY!  is instrument try day.  If your child does not have an instrument, Musicians repair will be there on Friday from 2:30-4:00 to help students try instruments.  Any parents that can attend to get full details on rentals and band class in general will be important!!! We will work on Rhythm sheets and Clefs for review in class.

Exploratory Instrument- planning out curriculum and brainstorming.  Buckets and rhythm instruments, singing, choir chimes, Piano work, music projects, barred instruments. Rhythm Reading, Rhythm Creation and group Creation in class period. 

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms