If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!
Mrs. Angela Simms
Mrs. Angela Simms
I cannot the school year is wrapping up and coming to an end! It has been a great year with the kids! The kids at school really shine. Such talent, kindness and hard work from the parents is apparent in what I see in my class everyday.
1st grade- We are recording "Que Canten los Ninos" for our twining parish in Honduras. Please help the kids submit their pictures for the book!
2N: "Awesome God" in Spanish. The kids will be get recorded for this song next week. If you do not want your child taped, please let Mrs. Simms or the office know. Students have learned "Awesome God" in Spanish to record and send over to Honduras for our twining parish to watch!
2/3E: Awesome God" in Spanish. Students learned Awesome God in Spanish to record and send over to Honduras for our twining parish to watch! We will be listening to all of our pieces, that the students have created using Finale our music notation program.
3rd grade Mrs. Ray's: Note learning, Solfege practice and reading. Awesome God" in Spanish. Students will be learning Awesome God in Spanish to record and send over to Honduras for our twining parish to watch!
4th grade Eastman- Choose day, we will do music activities of the kids choosing.
4/5 Glenn: Choose day, we will do music activities of the kids choosing.
5 Mc: Choose day, we will do music activities of the kids choosing.
Middle School General Music Classes: All students in general music will be writing a reflection during the next two class, which will be due at the end of the 2nd class. A reflection, over the symphony experience. This paper will be 5 paragraphs long with proper writing structure and grammar.
Performers for AFD will be doing Glee Presentations that will be due on Tuesday of next week. Performances to follow.