If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for your child and you!!
Mrs. Angela Simms
Mrs. Angela Simms
For students in grades 3-5, please have costumes in labled bags in their classrooms by Friday Dec. 7th! See costume suggestions below! If anyone has island props to add to the stage, I need the area in front of the stage to look like a beach...ideas....please let me know! Thank you!
Johnny Works with one Hammer, Stars and Stripes forever, Washing machine, Hickety Tickety Bumblebee, Old MacDonald, Hush Little Baby, If You're Happy and you know it, Symphony No. 9, Discussion over places music is heard in our world, Reasons we listen to music, and how we listen to music
1st grade :
Hand Jive with Drums, 4 beat rhythm cards, students reading and playing music on barred instruments
2nd Grade:
Improvise questions and answer with body percussion, found items, and instruments. Students will be paired to together to answer questions their partners create.
3rd Grade:
These kids are the island kids. They are vacationing for Christmas... shorts, tank tops, flip flops, sandals, swim shirts, visors, sun hats, ect. Please no swim suits on girls. If there is any parent who has ideas on props for the stage to set the sandy beach theme, any help would be wonderful! Practice lines please.....practice makes permenant!
Dec. 13th, 1:30 and 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Island Christmas
Jesus is the Reason
Jesus Means Christmas To Me
4th Grade:
These kids are elves and reindeer. Most of them know what they are, Mrs. Glenn's class will decide on Wednesday. I have the ears and hats for the two characters. Elves should wear some combination of green and red pants and shirts. Shoes are up to you. Tights are acceptable, but must be worn with shorts or skirts over them. Reindeer wear brown shirts and pants, with black shoes for hooves. Practice lines please.....practice makes permenant!
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Cool to be Cool
Blimey Carols
Christmas Joy
5th grade:
Start thinking about Costumes, they are pirates. So anything pirate is fine. You do not have to purchase an expensive costume. Any help with ideas please let me know. I will talk with the kids about details for example- beards, hooks, eye patches, peg legs. I do not want to all look the same so variety is critical. Practice lines please.....practice makes permenant!
Dec. 13th, 7:00 in the gym
Pirates Christmas!
Pirates All Are We
Give and Take
White Beard
Jubilance Choir:
Any 8th graders wanting to do an 8th grade showcase at the concert needs to meet with me. Please check in with them!
Nursing Home and Arts Garden Field Trip Forms have gone out! Please check with the kids, deadline for permission slips is Dec. 10th
Breakfast with Santa- the Middle School Jubilance Choir has been asked to perform their Christmas show at the Breakfast with Santa this year. Students are asked to be present from 9:00am to 10:00 to sing. If they wish to volunteer and help, please plan on doing so after the singing is over. Students should wear choir shirt and black pants and be in the music room at 8:30.
Program Dec. 11th, 7:00 P.M.
Mass Work
"Holiday of Music"
"Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child"- Parts!
"Just One Candle"
"Christmas Jubilation"- Choreography
Sunday Masses are the fourth Sunday of the following months: November, January, February, and March- students should wear uniforms at these Masses. Meet in the West Vestibule with Mrs. Newhart at 11:30, for the 12:00 Masses. If Middle School Choir Members are not attending the Sunday Masses, grades will be lowered, if I am not contacted. Please communicate, I know things come up.
6th Grade General Music:
Working on Solfege reading, notation, and notes on the musical staff
7th Grade General Music:
Improvising as a class in music, they will be doing call and response activities which requires them to improvise. We will create instrumental accompaniments for songs, and they will create instrument stories.
8th Grade General Music
Warm ups- expanding vocal range
Note Review- names and values
Scat Singing
Chords- I, IV, and V
Note Review- names and values
Scat Singing
Chords- I, IV, and V