Agenda's for PK-8th

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Music Agenda 1/5-1/9

Happy New Year!!! 

Kindergarten- We are continuing a focused unit on Steady Beat.  We will be moving, singing, and playing instruments with the song, Johnny Works with One Hammer, Hickory Dickory Dock, Stars and Stripes Forever, Hickety Tickety Bumble Bee, and Old McDonald.  We are going to continue to learn about loud and soft in music and move towards note reading as we learn quarter notes and rests and 2 eighth note patterns. 

First Grade-  Students will review notes and reading rhythms.  Students will continue practice writing notes and rhythms for identification practice.  We will also begin to look at sofege(Do, Re, Mi).  We will watch a clip from the Sound of Music and begin to learn handsigns as we begin to read some basic music. 

Second Grade-  We will begin identifying classroom and orchestral instruments and their families through sight and sound.  

Third Grade- We will look at "form" in music and how it plays a role in music.  We will learn the song "Sally Goodin" and do some learning from the music textbook.

Fourth Grade- We will be learning new terms; dynamics,  articulation, Tempo, rhythm, melody in music and applying them to our music and seeing how they are used with different pieces and songs.

Fifth Grade- 
 Students will be creating presentations on different styles of music.  As a class we will discuss ideas for creating these presentations.  Some examples of project will include, Jazz, musical theater, gospel, folk, classical and  popular music

AFD-   Students will receive a contract for AFD and another schedule to make sure all parents are informed of all expectations of the AFD class, practices, requirements and performances ahead of time.  Students will be practicing in class the music, and after school most Mondays and Wednesdays until 4:00 for the staging.  Stage crew, excluding Stage Managers will not be needed until March.  

Band- If students are not in AFD they are apart of the band or playing some instrument part.  Students who have advanced are moving to 1st period and becoming part of the advanced group.  This group will meet at the same time as AFD class as some students are a part of both groups.  The remainder of the students need to stay with the regular band group 2nd period and we will do a variety of things.  Kids will work with choir chimes, symphonic instruments, drumming, and recorders.  If students have been in the band all year they will continue to work with their instrument. More details will come as we work with the kids and evaluate interests and abilities to make a curriculum that is beneficial for all our students in the group.  Mrs. Epple and Mrs. Newhart will be assisting again with groups, as we work to grow our kids! 

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms

Monday, December 15, 2014

Music Agenda 12/15-12/19

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Kindergarten- We are continuing a focused unit on Steady Beat.  We will be moving, singing, and playing instruments with the song, Johnny Works with One Hammer, Hickory Dickory Dock, Stars and Stripes Forever, Hickety Tickety Bumble Bee, and Old McDonald.  We will learn the Christmas song "Must Be Santa".  We will practice "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", and "The Gingerbread Man".  

First Grade-  Students will review notes and reading rhythms.  Students will write notes and rhythms for identification practice.  Students will learn about "The Nutcracker" and some music from the ballet.  Students will also do some Christmas Trivia.  We will also be singing some Christmas Songs

Second Grade-   We will be singing some Christmas songs from our textbooks.  We will talk about different Christmas traditions around the world.  

Third Grade- The kids were great at their program!!!  We will do a different lesson on Christmas around the world.  We will singing Christmas songs, and do a Christmas Trivia Game

Fourth Grade-  The kids were great at their program!!!  We will sing some traditional Christmas songs, we will use the textbooks to sing other Christmas tunes.  

Fifth Grade- 
 The kids were great at their program!!!  We will work on music math with snowflakes, and singing some Christmas songs from the textbook and traditional tunes. 

Choir-   Great work performance choir students on their concert last week! Students in class choir performed their Christmas Concert for the class. Students who missed breakfast with Santa will have an essay due Friday.  Thank you for all the students who attended, they did a great job!   The pitch in for choir will be Tuesday morning during choir. Kids need to bring some breakfast food that they agreed to bring to share with their classmates.  We will have a Christmas movie on Wednesday for fun.  On Thurs. Dec. 18th, some selected students will be singing for some people in the church from 11:30-12:30. We will be practicing for Friday Mass on Thursday.  

Important Performance Choir dates:
December 16th: Breakfast pitch in for both choirs

Band- Great work band students on their concert last week! Students will watch a video on the benefits of instrumental playing in school on Tuesday and play some music.  Wednesday we will watch a Christmas Video.   On Thursday we will do our breakfast pitch in, kids need to bring some breakfast food that they agreed to bring to share with their classmates.

Some classes maybe changing due to Annual Fund.  The band will be divided into beginning and advanced kids and some kids will be part of the Annual Fund Group.  

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms

Monday, December 1, 2014

Music Agenda 11/24-25 and 12/1-12/5

Kindergarten- We are continuing a focused unit on Steady Beat.  We will be moving, singing, and playing instruments with the song, Johnny Works with One Hammer, Hickory Dickory Dock, Stars and Stripes Forever, Hickety Tickety Bumble Bee, and Old McDonald.  We will also do some Thanksgiving songs: We give thanks, and I'm a very fine turkey.  The first week in December we will look at a unit on loud and soft.  We will also begin singing Christmas Songs!

First Grade-  Students will celebrate Thanksgiving with the songs, 5 fat turkeys game, I'm Thankful.  We will keep moving with the  Boogie Walk.  In the first week of December we will begin to learn some Christmas songs.  We are going to start working on note identification and sight reading.

Second Grade-  
 Over the River and Through the Woods and Thanksgiving Songs as we head out of November.  In December we will change our focus to Christmas Music.  We will also look a music around the world in different cultures, and how the traditions are different.  

Third Grade- Students are working towards line memorization, costumes, and dancing and singing for the program.  The program is on December 11th. It begins at 6:30PM  Students need to get to school at 6:00 that evening.   PLEASE HAVE WHITE SHIRTS IN BY MONDAY!!!!  I will be making them over the weekend.  Please check in that kids are practicing speaking lines, practice makes permanent!

Fourth Grade-  Students are working towards line memorization, costumes, and dancing and singing for the program.  The program is on December 11th. It begins at 6:30PM  Students need to get to school at 6:00 that evening.  Please check in that kids are practicing speaking lines, practice makes permanent!

Fifth Grade- Students are working towards line memorization, costumes, and dancing and singing for the program.  The program is on December 11th. It begins at 6:30PM  Students need to get to school at 6:00 that evening.   Please check in that kids are practicing speaking lines, practice makes permanent!

Congrats!  To ALL students in AFD in 2015!  We have so much talent at Holy Spirit!  

Choir-   Students in class choir will have a essay due by tomorrow for Mass.   Some kids are doing Choreography in class, and doing a great job!  We have students that are working on a bell part for one of a songs, and doing a great job! We will practice our Program Songs, Figgy Pudding, Merry Merry Joy Joy, Season of Bells, Christmas Wonderland.  Class Choir students will be performing for the class the day after the concert for their peers.  Please turn in shirt forms by Tuesday Nov. 25th and I need permission slips ASAP!  Thanks!

Important Performance Choir dates:
December 2nd: Field Trip to nursing home and arts garden 
December 11th: 3:00-5:00 after school for dress rehearsal for concert that evening in gym
December 11th:  6:30 for a 7:00 Concert
December 13: Breakfast with Santa- 9:00-10:00 in gym
December 16th: Breakfast pitch in for both choirs

Band- We need a focus for homework on Good King Wenceslas, this is our challenging piece currently.  Please check MSP, practicing at home practice is essential.  kids are getting weekly grades on their growth and work in class.  Guitars are working with soloist for the concert.     The band is working on on Christmas Music for our concert.  Advanced students will have some different pieces than beginners, as beginners will have of their own too. Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 8:00!  Thank you for all the help from Mrs. Epple, and  Mrs. Newhart.

2nd semester classes will change a bit as the classes will be changed from Choir to Annual Fund Dinner and the other classes will be Beginning and Advanced Band and Exploratory Instrument group.

Important Band dates: 
December 11th: 3:00-5:00 after school for dress rehearsal for concert that evening in gym
December 11th:  students need to be there in evening, time is still being finalized!

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms

Monday, November 17, 2014

Music Agenda 11/17-11/21

Kindergarten- We are beginning to begin a focused unit on Steady Beat.  We will be moving, singing, and playing instruments with the song, Johnny Works with One Hammer, Hickory Dickory Dock, Stars and Stripes Forever, Hickety Tickety Bumble Bee, and Old McDonald.  We will also do some Thanksgiving songs: We give thanks, and I'm a very fine turkey
First Grade- Boogie Walk, 5 fat turkeys game, I'm Thankful

Second Grade-  
 Over the River and Through the Woods and Thanksgiving 

Third Grade- We are finished with choreography, now we are just dancing, dancing dancing.  Depending on our progress of choreography memorization we may start to look at the script and getting our lines.  The program is on December 11th. It begins at 6:30PM  

Fourth Grade-
  We are finished with choreography, now we are just dancing, dancing dancing.  Depending on our progress of choreography memorization we may start to look at the script and getting our lines.  The program is on December 11th. It begins at 6:30PM 

Fifth Grade- 
We are finished with choreography, now we are just dancing, dancing dancing.  Depending on our progress of choreography memorization we may start to look at the script and getting our lines.  The program is on December 11th. It begins at 6:30PM 
This year's Annual Fund Dinner Show will be, "The Little Mermaid Jr", Annual Fund Dinner Musical Auditions will be on November 19th from 3:00-5:00 in the music room.  Students will wait in the cafe until their audition. Students need to bring things to do, such as electronics or other work to keep them busy.  We will do call backs so it is important that kids stay until 5:00 that day.  Auditions will only be made up for school absence. Please contact me with any concerns.  The lists will be posted the Friday after.   

Choir-   The expectations of the rubric are as follows, Posture, while singing; Participation, Singing technique, and dynamic levels(volume) Weekly we have Mass music practice and discuss singing Mass Expectations.  Students in choir will get a biweekly Mass grade for participation.  Students in class choir will write an essay in place of performing at Mass. We will practice our Program Songs, Figgy Pudding, Merry Merry Joy Joy, Season of Bells, Christmas Wonderland.  Class Choir students will be performing for the class the day after the concert for their peers.

Important Performance Choir dates:
December 2nd: Field Trip to nursing home and arts garden 
December 11th: 3:00-5:00 after school for dress rehearsal for concert that evening in gym
December 11th:  6:30 for a 7:00 Concert
December 13: Breakfast with Santa- 9:00-10:00 in gym
December 16th: Breakfast pitch in for both choirs

Band- Guitars doing great a Mass!  The band is working on daily exercises as warm ups, we are working on Christmas Music for our concert.  Advanced students will have some different pieces than beginners, as beginners will have of their own too.  We will have auditions for solos for band members  for the Christmas Concert.  Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 7:00!  There have been a great amount of professionals that have stepped forward to assist the band this year;  Mrs. Epple, Mrs. Newhart, Mr. Hornaday from Marian University and Marian University students, Kelly, Andrew and Ellen.  Thank you to all the professionals who give so humbly to Holy Spirit!  

Important Band dates: 
December 11th: 3:00-5:00 after school for dress rehearsal for concert that evening in gym
December 11th:  students need to be there in evening, time is still being finalized!

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms

Friday, November 7, 2014

Music Agenda 11/10-11/14

Kindergarten-  It is PROGRAM WEEK!!!!! Please let me know if you have any concerns with your portion of the costumes, i.e. shirts and pants.   I am here to help, please let me know any concerns!   The Program is on this Thursday,  November 13th at 7:00. Please have students at school by 6:30!  We are also having a daytime performance at 1:30, which is different than originally sent home!  Please let me know if your child cannot attend.   They are working so hard!!!  They are so excited for you to see the show!

First Grade-    It is PROGRAM WEEK!!!!! Please let me know if you have any concerns with your portion of the costumes, i.e. shirts and pants.   I am here to help, please let me know any concerns!   The Program is on November 13th at 7:00, please have students here by 6:30.  We are also having a daytime performance at 1:30, which is different than originally sent home!  Please let me know if your child cannot attend.   Please keep working on speaking lines, practice speaking them slowly and loud, as the microphones will not pick them up if they are too quiet.

Second Grade-  
 It is PROGRAM WEEK!!!!! Please let me know if you have any concerns with your portion of the costumes, i.e. shirts and pants.   I am here to help, please let me know any concerns!   The Program is on November 13th at 7:00, please have students here by 6:30.  We are also having a daytime performance at 1:30, which is different than originally sent home!  Please let me know if your child cannot attend.   Please keep working on speaking lines, some are getting nervous and forgetting them! Please keep working on speaking lines, practice speaking them slowly and loud, as the microphones will not pick them up if they are too quiet.

Third Grade- We are finished with choreography, now we are just dancing, dancing dancing.  Depending on our progress of choreography memorization we may start to look at the script and getting our lines.  The program is on December 11th. It begins at 6:30PM  

Fourth Grade-
  We are finished with choreography, now we are just dancing, dancing dancing.  Depending on our progress of choreography memorization we may start to look at the script and getting our lines.  The program is on December 11th. It begins at 6:30PM 

Fifth Grade- 
We are finished with choreography, now we are just dancing, dancing dancing.  Depending on our progress of choreography memorization we may start to look at the script and getting our lines.  The program is on December 11th. It begins at 6:30PM 
This year's Annual Fund Dinner Show will be, "The Little Mermaid Jr", Annual Fund Dinner Musical Auditions will be on November 19th from 3:00-5:00 in the music room.  Students will wait in the cafe until their audition. Students need to bring things to do, such as electronics or other work to keep them busy.  We will do call backs so it is important that kids stay until 5:00 that day.  Auditions will only be made up for school absence. Please contact me with any concerns.  The lists will be posted the Friday after.   

Choir-   The expectations of the rubric are as follows, Posture, while singing; Participation, Singing technique, and dynamic levels(volume) Weekly we have Mass music practice and discuss singing Mass Expectations.  Students in choir will get a biweekly Mass grade for participation.  Students in class choir will write an essay in place of performing at Mass. We will practice our Program Songs, Figgy Pudding, Merry Merry Joy Joy, Season of Bells, Christmas Wonderland.  Class Choir students will be performing for the class the day after the concert for their peers.

Important Performance Choir dates:
December 2nd: Field Trip to nursing home and arts garden 
December 11th: 3:00-5:00 after school for dress rehearsal for concert that evening in gym
December 11th:  6:30 for a 7:00 Concert
December 13: Breakfast with Santa- 9:00-10:00 in gym
December 16th: Breakfast pitch in for both choirs

Band- Guitars doing great a Mass!  The band is working on daily exercises as warm ups, we are working on Christmas Music for our concert.  Advanced students will have some different pieces than beginners, as beginners will have of their own too.  We will have auditions for solos for band members  for the Christmas Concert.  Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 7:00!  There have been a great amount of professionals that have stepped forward to assist the band this year;  Mrs. Epple, Mrs. Newhart, Mr. Hornaday from Marian University and Marian University students, Kelly, Andrew and Ellen.  Thank you to all the professionals who give so humbly to Holy Spirit!  

Important Band dates: 
December 11th: 3:00-5:00 after school for dress rehearsal for concert that evening in gym
December 11th:  students need to be there in evening, time is still being finalized!

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms

Friday, October 31, 2014

Music Agenda 11/3-11/7

Kindergarten-  Kids will try on animal headbands next week.  Please let me know if you have any concerns with your portion of the costumes, i.e. shirts and pants.   I am here to help, please let me know any concerns!   The Program is on November 13th at 7:00.  We are also having a daytime performance at 1:30, which is different than originally sent home!  Please let me know if your child cannot attend.   A parents has contacted me and let me know Walmart offers many of the jungle animal costumes at a very discounted price, if you want to go that route.  They are working so hard!!!  They are so excited for you to see the show!

First Grade-  Kids will try on animal headbands next week.  Please let me know if you have any concerns with your portion of the costumes, i.e. shirts and pants.   I am here to help, please let me know any concerns!   The Program is on November 13th at 7:00.  We are also having a daytime performance at 1:30, which is different than originally sent home!  Please let me know if your child cannot attend.   A parents has contacted me and let me know Walmart offers many of the jungle animal costumes at a very discounted price, if you want to go that route.  They are working so hard!!!  They are so excited for you to see the show!  Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, It's a Jungle Out There, King of the Jungle, Good Friends. Students are doing a great job with speaking lines,  please keep practicing with them, they will be so much more prepared with less than a minute of your time.  Thank you for your help and support! 

Second Grade-  
Kids will try on animal headbands next week.  Please let me know if you have any concerns with your portion of the costumes, i.e. shirts and pants.   I am here to help, please let me know any concerns!   The Program is on November 13th at 7:00.  We are also having a daytime performance at 1:30, which is different than originally sent home!  Please let me know if your child cannot attend.   A parents has contacted me and let me know Walmart offers many of the jungle animal costumes at a very discounted price, if you want to go that route.  They are working so hard!!!  They are so excited for you to see the show!  Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, It's a Jungle Out There, King of the Jungle, Good Friends. Students are doing a great job with speaking lines,  please keep practicing with them, they will be so much more prepared with less than a minute of your time.  Thank you for your help and support!

Third Grade- We practicing for Christmas Program.  The program is on December 11th. We are continuing to creating movements this week.  Students are graded weekly on their participation, singing, choreography memorization and soon line memorization.  Any loss of points will be indicated in through My students progress.   

Fourth Grade-
We practicing for Christmas Program.  The program is on December 11th. We are continuing to creating movements this week. 
Students are graded weekly on their participation, singing, choreography memorization and soon line memorization.  Any loss of points will be indicated in through my students progress.   

Fifth Grade- 
We practicing for Christmas Program.  The program is on December 11th. We are continuing to creating movements this week. 
Students are graded weekly on their participation, singing, choreography memorization and soon line memorization.  Any loss of points will be indicated in through My Students progress.   
This year's Annual Fund Dinner Show will be, "The Little Mermaid Jr", Annual Fund Dinner Musical Auditions will be on November 19th from 3:00-5:00 in the music room.  Students will wait in the cafe until their audition. Students need to bring things to do, such as electronics or other work to keep them busy.  We will do call backs so it is important that kids stay until 5:00 that day.  Auditions will only be made up for school absence. Please contact me with any concerns.  The lists will be posted the Friday after.   

Choir- Focus on vocal technique.  Students are graded weekly with a rubric.  The expectations of the rubric are as follows, Posture, while singing; Participation, Singing technique, and dynamic levels(volume) Weekly we have Mass music practice and discuss singing Mass Expectations.  Students in choir will get a biweekly Mass grade for participation.  Students in class choir will write an essay in place of performing at Mass. We will practice our Program Songs, Figgy Pudding, Merry Merry Joy Joy, Season of Bells, Christmas Wonderland.  Class Choir students will be performing for the class the day after the concert for their peers.

Important Performance Choir dates:
December 2nd: Field Trip to nursing home and arts garden 
December 11th: 3:00-5:00 after school for dress rehearsal for concert that evening in gym
December 11th:  students need to be there in evening, time is still being finalized!
December 13: Breakfast with Santa- 9:00-10:00 in gym
December 16th: Breakfast pitch in for both choirs

Band- Guitars doing great a Mass!  The band is working on daily exercises as warm ups, we are working on Christmas Music for our concert.  Advanced students will have some different pieces than beginners, as beginners will have of their own too.  We will have auditions for solos for band members  for the Christmas Concert.  Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 7:00!  There have been a great amount of professionals that have stepped forward to assist the band this year;  Mrs. Epple, Mrs. Newhart, Mr. Hornaday from Marian University and Marian University students, Kelly, Andrew and Ellen.  Thank you to all the professionals who give so humbly to Holy Spirit!  

Important Band dates: 
December 11th: 3:00-5:00 after school for dress rehearsal for concert that evening in gym
December 11th:  students need to be there in evening, time is still being finalized!

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Music Agenda 10/27-10/31

Kindergarten-  Kids will try on animal headbands next week.  Please let me know if you have any concerns with your portion of the costumes, i.e. shirts and pants.   I am here to help, please let me know any concerns!   The Program is on November 13th at 7:00.  We are also having a daytime performance at 1:30, which is different than originally sent home!  Please let me know if your child cannot attend.   A parents has contacted me and let me know Walmart offers many of the jungle animal costumes at a very discounted price, if you want to go that route.  They are working so hard!!!  They are so excited for you to see the show!

First Grade-  Kids will try on animal headbands next week.  Please let me know if you have any concerns with your portion of the costumes, i.e. shirts and pants.   I am here to help, please let me know any concerns!   The Program is on November 13th at 7:00.  We are also having a daytime performance at 1:30, which is different than originally sent home!  Please let me know if your child cannot attend.   A parents has contacted me and let me know Walmart offers many of the jungle animal costumes at a very discounted price, if you want to go that route.  They are working so hard!!!  They are so excited for you to see the show!  Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, It's a Jungle Out There, King of the Jungle, Good Friends. Students are doing a great job with speaking lines,  please keep practicing with them, they will be so much more prepared with less than a minute of your time.  Thank you for your help and support! 

Second Grade-  
Kids will try on animal headbands next week.  Please let me know if you have any concerns with your portion of the costumes, i.e. shirts and pants.   I am here to help, please let me know any concerns!   The Program is on November 13th at 7:00.  We are also having a daytime performance at 1:30, which is different than originally sent home!  Please let me know if your child cannot attend.   A parents has contacted me and let me know Walmart offers many of the jungle animal costumes at a very discounted price, if you want to go that route.  They are working so hard!!!  They are so excited for you to see the show!  Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, It's a Jungle Out There, King of the Jungle, Good Friends. Students are doing a great job with speaking lines,  please keep practicing with them, they will be so much more prepared with less than a minute of your time.  Thank you for your help and support!

Third Grade- We practicing for Christmas Program.  The program is on December 11th. We are continuing to creating movements this week. 

Fourth Grade-
We practicing for Christmas Program.  The program is on December 11th. We are continuing to creating movements this week. 

Fifth Grade- 
We practicing for Christmas Program.  The program is on December 11th. We are continuing to creating movements this week. 

Choir- Focus on vocal technique.  Students are graded weekly with a rubric.  The expectations of the rubric are as follows, Posture, while singing; Participation, Singing technique, and dynamic levels(volume) Weekly we have Mass music practice and discuss singing Mass Expectations.  Students in choir will get a biweekly Mass grade for participation.  Students in class choir will write an essay in place of performing at Mass. We will practice our Program Songs, Figgy Pudding, Merry Merry Joy Joy, Season of Bells, Christmas Wonderland.  Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 7:00.   

Band- Guitars doing great a Mass!  The band is working on daily exercises as warm ups, we are working on Christmas Music for our concert.  Advanced students will have some different pieces than beginners, as beginners will have of their own too.  We will have auditions for solos for band members  for the Christmas Concert.  Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 7:00!  There have been a great amount of professionals that have stepped forward to assist the band this year;  Mrs. Epple, Mrs. Newhart, Mr. Hornaday from Marian University,  and Mr. Gallagher, Thank you to all the professionals who give so humbly to Holy Spirit!  

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Music Agenda 10/13-10/17

Kindergarten- Music Program work continues- Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, We Appreciate you, Frog and Toad Together, Good Friends.  The Program is on November 13th at 7:00. Please let me know if your child cannot attend.  You should have received child's costume information, any questions, please let me know.  A parents has contacted me and let me know Walmart offers many of the jungle animal costumes at a very discounted price, if you want to go that route.  In addition kids will continue to review their other songs,  Hello Song,  Goodbye song, Number Rock, ABC, Sports Dance, Animals Action,  and Freeze Dance.

First Grade-  Music Program work continues- Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, It's a Jungle Out There, King of the Jungle, Good Friends. Students are doing a great job with speaking line  please keep practicing with them.  The more practice the better prepared they will feel.   We will practice in class, but every little bit helps!  The Program is on November 13th at 7:00. Please let me know if your child cannot attend.  You should have received child's costume information, any questions, please let me know.  A parents has contacted me and let me know Walmart offers many of the jungle animal costumes at a very discounted price, if you want to go that route. 

Second Grade-  Music Program Preparation begins- 
 Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, Party Animals, Goin Bananas, Everything is Funny to me. 
Students are doing a great job with speaking line  please keep practicing with them.  The more practice the better prepared they will feel.   We will practice in class, but every little bit helps!   The Program is on November 13th at 7:00. Please let me know if your child cannot attend.  You should have received child's costume information, any questions, please let me know.  A parents has contacted me and let me know Walmart offers many of the jungle animal costumes at a very discounted price, if you want to go that route. 

Third Grade- We practicing for Christmas Program.  The program is on December 11th. We are creating movements this week. 

Fourth Grade-
We practicing for Christmas Program.  The program is on December 11th. We are creating movements this week. 

Fifth Grade- 
We practicing for Christmas Program.  The program is on December 11th. We are creating movements this week. 

Choir- Vocal Terms review- Students grades are based on students proficiency in singing growth based on the terms, Vowels, Breathing, Posture, Facial Expression, Tone Quality, Dynamic levels.  Weekly we have Mass music practice and discuss singing Mass Expectations.  Students in choir will get a biweekly Mass grade for participation.  Students in class choir will write an essay in place of performing at Mass. We will practice our Program Songs, Figgy Pudding, Merry Merry Joy Joy, Season of Bells, Christmas Wonderland.  Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 7:00.   

Band- Guitars have been working hard and are now playing at Mass.  The band is working on daily exercises as warm ups, we are working on Christmas Music for our concert.  Advanced students will have some different pieces than beginners, as beginners will have of their own too.  Please let me know if you have any concerns!  Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 7:00!  There have been a great amount of professionals that have stepped forward to assist the band this year;  Mrs. Epple, Mrs. Newhart, Mr. Hornaday from Marian University,  and Mr. Gallagher, Thank you to all the professionals who give so humbly to Holy Spirit!  

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Music Agenda 9/30-10/3/14

Kindergarten- Music Program work continues- Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, We Appreciate you, Frog and Toad Together, Good Friends.  The Program  has been moved to November 13th at 7:00. Please let me know if your child cannot attend.  We are going to work on costumes in the upcoming weeks. I will be assigning kids into costume groups. The kids are doing great, working hard on their songs!  In addition kids will continue to review their other songs,  Hello Song,  Goodbye song, Number Rock, ABC, Sports Dance, Animals Action,  and Freeze Dance.

First Grade-  Music Program work continues- Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, It's a Jungle Out There, King of the Jungle, Good Friends. Students are doing a great job with speaking line  please keep practicing with them.  The more practice the better prepared they will feel.   We will practice in class, but every little bit helps!  Program is on November 13th at 7:00.  Please let me know if your child cannot attend! Any questions or concerns, please let me know!

Second Grade-  Music Program Preparation begins- 
 Reprise: It's a Jungle out There, Party Animals, Goin Bananas, Everything is Funny to me. 
Students are doing a great job with speaking line  please keep practicing with them.  The more practice the better prepared they will feel.   We will practice in class, but every little bit helps!  Program is on November 13th at 7:00.  Please let me know if your child cannot attend! Any questions or concerns, please let me know!

Third Grade- We are beginning to talk about Christmas Program plans.  The program is on December 11th. We will continue our cultural study of music.  Students have learned two different folk dances and we will continue with a new folk dance from Hawaii.  

Fourth Grade- Students will be learning a folk dance from Isreal, and beginning to look at Christmas program plans. 
The program is on December 11th. 

Fifth Grade- Students will learn a folk dance from Russia.  Students will also begin to work on their Christmas Program plans. 
The program is on December 11th. 

Choir- Vocal Terms review- Students grades are based on students proficiency in singing growth based on the terms, Vowels, Breathing, Posture, Facial Expression, Tone Quality, Dynamic levels.  Weekly we have Mass music practice and discuss singing Mass Expectations.  Students in choir will get a biweekly Mass grade for participation.  Students in class choir will write an essay in place of performing at Mass. We will practice our Program Songs, Figgy Pudding, Merry Merry Joy Joy, Season of Bells, Christmas Wonderland.  Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 7:00.   

Band- Students playing choir will need to purchase their own recorder.  Guitars have been working hard and are now playing at Mass. Please send $5 for recorder purchase. The band is working on daily exercises as warm ups, we will be start working on Christmas Music for our concert.  Advanced students will have some different pieces than beginners, as beginners will have of their own too. We are working on tone quality with all instruments, as well as cleaning and proper care of the instruments. Please let me know if you have any concerns!  Our Christmas Concert is on December 11th at 7:00!  There have been a great amount of professionals that have stepped forward to assist the band this year;  Mrs. Epple, Mrs. Newhart, Mr. Hornaday from Marian University,  and Mr. Gallagher, Thank you to all the professionals who give so humbly to Holy Spirit! 

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!

Mrs. Angela Simms