Agenda's for PK-8th

Friday, December 18, 2015

Music Agenda 1/4-1/8

PK McLaughlin- Ice Cream Sundae, Johnny on the Woodpile, Frog in the Meadow, Pitter Patter, Two Little Black Birds, Five little ladies, Engine Engine, Ali Baba, Keeping the beat, There was a mad and he was Mad

Kindergarten- We will be working on standards: K.2.1 Echo four-beat rhythmic patterns played by the teacher using body percussion or classroom instruments. K.2.2 Maintain a steady beat while playing an instrument in a group. We will also do rhythm sticks with songs from other cultures.  

1st grade-1.2.1 We will work on standards: Echo short melodic and rhythmic patterns, 1.2.2 Maintain a steady beat on a percussion instrument while playing in a group, 1.2.3 Hold classroom instruments correctly and play with the proper technique.  

2nd grade- 
2.2.1 Echo melodic and rhythmic patterns. 2.2.2 Maintain a steady beat and play with appropriate dynamic levels. 2.2.3 Play classroom instruments with the proper technique, holding them correctly. 2.2.4 Learn correct names for classroom instruments and identify those associated with world cultures. 2.2.5 Play simple ostinatos while others sing. 2.2.6 Follow the cues of a conductor with regard to tempo and dynamics. We will be singing with a Native American Piece called “Suns”
3rd grade-
3.2.1 Echo melodic and rhythmic patterns. 3.2.2 Play given pitch patterns on a mallet instrument, keyboard, or recorder. 3.2.3 Play instruments in a group with a steady beat, appropriate dynamics, and correct technique. 3.2.4 Use correct names for classroom instruments including those from world cultures. 
3.2.5 Play four-measure melodies on pitched percussion instruments. 3.2.6 Play ostinato accompaniments on pitched and non-pitched classroom instruments, independently and with others. 3.2.7 Follow the cues of a conductor. 

4th grade- Note value and reading review.  We will be placing orders for recorders by January 8th.  

5th grade-  Note value and reading review.  Continue through Music books 

Guitar Class- Preparation for Mass, 

Class Choir Class-  Evaluating Choral Groups continues
Standards: 7.1 Use appropriate musical terminology in establishing criteria and creating a rubric to be used in evaluating the quality of choral performances. , 7.2 Listen to recordings and live performances of age appropriate singers and repertoire. Apply established criteria to evaluate the performances., 7.3 Apply established criteria to evaluate performances of own ensemble. 7.4 Identify and demonstrate appropriate performance behaviors. 

Performance Choir Class is now the Annual Fund Dinner Class- All January AFD after school practices are from 3:00-4:00 in the music room. We will read through the script and listen to some of the songs during class and after school.  We were start working on line memorization and singing memorization tests for the next week.

Performance Important dates!!!
First practice for Beauty and the Beast Jr.  Wed. Dec. 6th
Graduation Mass- June 1st(Performance Choir Requirement, excluding 8th grade)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Music Agenda 12/14-12/18

Tuesday Performance Choir Field Trip leaving after UA
Wednesday Annual Fund Dinner Musical Auditions 2:45-5:00
Annual Fund Dinner Cast Posting, Friday Dec. 18th
Pitch in breakfast for Performance Choir Thursday Dec. 17th

PK McLaughlin and Mrs. Flynn- Working on Christmas Songs for their Christmas Program on Dec. 15th at 6:00 in the Cafe.  We are doing movement and other fun songs with the Fierabend curriculum! 

Kindergarten-Christmas Songs and reviewing songs in history.  "Must be Santa", "Gingerbread Man", 

1st grade- Learning Christmas Music, Nutcracker continued

2nd grade- Christmas Songs and Christmas Around the World, Christmas Songs

3rd grade- We will learn about different Christmas cultures around the world, Christmas games

4th grade-Connect 4 Christmas Trivia, Santa Song guess

5th grade-  Snowflake Math, how music connects with math.  Songs for Christmas 

Guitar Class-   Don't forget about Scecina High school students, Michael Rosswurm, Holy Spirit grad will be volunteering at HS each Thursday at 3:30 to have a guitar jam group. Students will continue to work on their Mass Music and have a pitch in breakfast on Thursday in the Cafe, they will sign up on Wednesday in Class

Class Choir Class-  Evaluating Choral Groups.  
Standards: 7.1 Use appropriate musical terminology in establishing criteria and creating a rubric to be used in evaluating the quality of choral performances. , 7.2 Listen to recordings and live performances of age appropriate singers and repertoire. Apply established criteria to evaluate the performances., 7.3 Apply established criteria to evaluate performances of own ensemble. 7.4 Identify and demonstrate appropriate performance behaviors. 

Performance Choir Class- Evaluating Choral Groups.  
Standards: 7.1 Use appropriate musical terminology in establishing criteria and creating a rubric to be used in evaluating the quality of choral performances. , 7.2 Listen to recordings and live performances of age appropriate singers and repertoire. Apply established criteria to evaluate the performances., 7.3 Apply established criteria to evaluate performances of own ensemble. 7.4 Identify and demonstrate appropriate performance behaviors. 

Performance Important dates!!!
Performance Choir Caroling field trip-December 15th
Annual Fund Dinner Auditions- December 16th after school!
Graduation Mass- June 1st(Performance Choir Requirement, excluding 8th grade)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Music Agenda 12/7-12/11

 This week! 3-5 Program!  1:30 and 7:00 in the gym, please have students in costumes by 6:30.  

PK McLaughlin and Mrs. Flynn- Working on Christmas Songs for their Christmas Program on Dec. 15th at 6:30 in the Cafe.  We are doing movement and other fun songs with the Fierabend curriculum! 

Kindergarten-Music moves me songs, Stars and Stripes forever, Surprise Symphony, and March of the Lion, and Horseman as we talk about history and how it has effected the music we have today.  We are going to start learning some Christmas Songs!

1st grade- The Nutcracker, Christmas Music begins

2nd grade- Instrument families identification and bingo

3rd grade-Students will participate in the Christmas Program on Dec. 9th at 1:30 and 7:00 in the gym. Students will also focus on 3.1.1 Sing a cappella and accompanied songs with attention to pitch, diction, tone quality, and posture. 3.1.2 Sing expressively with varied dynamics and appropriate phrasing. 3.1.3 Sing songs from a variety of cultures including those of the school and community, adding any movement considered intrinsic to authentic performance of the music. 3.1.4 Sing rounds and songs with ostinatos. 3.1.5 Follow the cues of a conductor.   The songs the kids are working on are; "The Unfriendly Beasts", "The Unfriendly Beast Reprise", "Away in a Manger", "Finale". 

4th grade-Christmas Program is on Dec. 9th at 1:30 and  7:00, in the gym. Students will also focus on 4.1.1 Sing while maintaining good breath control, pitch, diction, tone quality, and posture. 4.1.2 Sing expressively with attention to dynamics and phrasing. 4.1.3 Sing a diverse repertoire of songs with varied accompaniment and including other cultures and languages, adding any movement considered intrinsic to authentic performance of the music. 4.1.4 Sing partner songs, rounds, and songs with ostinatos. 4.1.5 Follow the cues of a conductor. The songs we are working on are, "No room in the Stable", Mind your Manners", "The Friendly Beasts", "Finale".

5th grade-  Students will still participate in the Christmas Program, Dec. 9th at 7:00.   Students will also focus on 5.1.1 Sing independently and in ensembles maintaining good breath control, pitch, diction, tone quality, and posture. 5.1.2 Sing expressively with attention to dynamics, phrasing, and articulation. 5.1.3 Sing a varied repertoire of songs with sensitivity to diverse cultures, accurate use of languages, and appropriate movement. 5.1.4 Sing unison and two-part songs, partner songs, and rounds, a cappella and with varied accompaniment. 5.1.5 Follow the cues of a conductor.  The songs we are singing; "Hail Holy Queen", "The Long Long Walk to Bethlehem", "There's no room in the Inn", "Finale".  Students will be playing Jingle Bells with their band instruments to start off the evening!  

Guitar Class-  Guitars do not need to bring their guitars tomorrow.  Don't forget about Scecina High school students, Michael Rosswurm, Holy Spirit grad will be volunteering at HS each Thursday at 3:30 to have a guitar jam group. Students will continue to work on their Mass Music and have a pitch in breakfast on Thursday in the Cafe, they will sign up on Wednesday in Class

Class Choir Class-  Students will need IPADS we are going to start playing rhythms and learning some basic piano and barred instrument pieces.

Performance Choir Class- Mass Practice, and caroling practice. "Caroling field trip on December 15th, all day! Students who did not attend breakfast with santa with an excused absence will be responsible for completing the points.   Please make these on the calendars, these are requirements for the class!   Auditions for Annual Fund will be December 16th after school!  

Performance Important dates!!!
Dec. 9th-3-5 Christmas program-The Unfriendly Beasts, 1:30 and 7:00 in the gym
Performance Choir Caroling field trip-December 15th
Annual Fund Dinner Auditions- December 16th after school!
Graduation Mass- June 1st(Performance Choir Requirement, excluding 8th grade)