Agenda's for PK-8th

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Music Agenda 5/2-5/6

PK McLaughlin-  Mary had a little lamb, Little Bo Peep, Hot Cross Buns, Mary Mary Extra ordinary,  Laurie Berkner- Drive my car, The airplane song,  Bill Grogen's Goat, Johnny had one friend, Grandma Glasses, A Ram Sam Sam, Frog in the meadow with Guiro, Bling Blang, Keeping the beat #22, Jeanie Jenkins, ABC song, The Animal Alphaebet, I can wiggle

Kindergarten- Composer music books

1st grade: We will experience some  earlier musical eras and cultures.

2nd grade: Continued work on "We Come to share God's Special Gift" We will go outside and play "Grizzly Bear"

3rd grade-Instrument unit begins- students will review and learn about the instrument families and identify by sight and sound.  

4th grade- 5th grade will be joining 4th grade students to teach them about their experience with instruments. Students will get a visit from Musican's repair to hear more about the instruments.  Parent Meeting on May 10th at 7:00p.m., please mark your calendars we need all parents at this meeting! 

5th grade-  5th grade will sit side by side with 4th graders to provide insight and advice on instruments.   We will start composing music compositions.

Guitar Class- Graduation Mass is their next performance, it is mandatory if you are not an 8th grader to attend the Mass and play guitar that evening at 7:00, be present 6:30 arrival time.

Class Choir Class: Joining beginning band to work with Garage Band project.

Performance Choir Class is now the Annual Fund Dinner Class-  Practices are still Wed. and Thurs until 4:30.  I am asking students to bring paint clothes to paint. The show takes place in the Baroque period, so the kids will have to have villager costumes.  Mrs. Newhart is picking them up at goodwill, here and there.  So if you want to purchase from her its $3.00, send in the money with your child and she will give them the clothes.     Please review practices dates and times, kids need to be at the entire practice, if they are not, I need to hear from parents.  Kids cannot miss the week of the show.  These are very important practices and we need you children present. 

Performance Important dates!!! 
May 2nd, 4th, 5th (rehearsals for the show 3:00-5:00)
May 2nd: Costumes are DUE!!!!- Villager outfit (can purchase for $3), Castle Characters: black shirt(long sleeves) and black pants.
May 3rd: T-shirt orders are due
May 6th: Ads and Dvd forms are due
May 9th-11 (rehearsals for the show 3:00-5:00)
AFD show May 12th (7:00 arrival time), call office for ticket details 
AFD show 2: May 13th(6:30 arrival, 7:00 show)$5 admission at the door
Graduation Mass- June 1st(Performance Choir Requirement, excluding 8th grade)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Music Agenda 4/18-4/22

PK McLaughlin-  Mary had a little lamb, Little Bo Peep, Hot Cross Buns, Mary Mary Extra ordinary,  Laurie Berkner- Drive my car, The airplane song,  Bill Grogen's Goat, Johnny had one friend, Grandma Glasses, A Ram Sam Sam, Frog in the meadow with Guiro, Bling Blang, Keeping the beat #22, Jeanie Jenkins, ABC song, The Animal Alphaebet, I can wiggle

Kindergarten-  Station Muffin Man, Singing in pitch, steady beat, and listening is our focus in music. 

1st grade:  we are Sally Go Round the sun, on pitch matching, steady beat, tempo, dynamics, and listening

2nd grade:This lady she wears,  working on pitch matching, steady beat.

3rd grade-Choir Chimes,  students will begin to learn about the instrument and start to play pieces in a group in which they will be responsible for their individual note. We are working on treble clef mastery and counting practice. 

4th grade- Students will be working on the song Ode to Joy to play as a class.  Frere Jaquaca Cannon, Creating music and identifying notes in Bass Clef and treble clef by sight not labeling.  

5th grade-  We will continue to work on Treble and Bass Clef reading, counting mastery.  Students need to start thinking of what their music choice will be for middle school. They can be in Class Choir, this is singing only in class; Performance Choir, this is our Mass choir and they have concerts and field trips.  Guitars is an option, students must take private lessons elsewhere to be apart of this group.  Band is the other option.  If they wish to do band and choir, we can help them with going to each class 2 days a week.  

Guitar Class- Graduation Mass is their next performance, it is mandatory if you are not an 8th grader to attend the Mass and play guitar that evening at 7:00, be present 6:30 arrival time.

Class Choir Class: Stations: Composers, reading, instrument playing, looking at new App and start composing music.

Performance Choir Class is now the Annual Fund Dinner Class-  Practices are still Wed. and Thurs until 4:30.  I am asking students to bring paint clothes to paint. The show takes place in the Baroque period, so the kids will have to have villager costumes.  Mrs. Newhart is picking them up at goodwill, here and there.  So if you want to purchase from her its $3.00, send in the money with your child and she will give them the clothes.   

Performance Important dates!!!
AFD practice for Beauty and the Beast Jr. March we all have Wed, Thurs practice after school from 3:00-4:30.  
May 2nd, 4th, 5th (rehearsals for the show 3:00-5:00)
May 9th-11 (rehearsals for the show 3:00-5:00)
AFD show May 12th (7:00 arrival time)and May 13th(6:30 arrival, 7:00 show)
Graduation Mass- June 1st(Performance Choir Requirement, excluding 8th grade)