Agenda's for PK-8th

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Can you believe Spring Program and Concert Week is Here?

Crazy how fast the year has gone! Concert for Choir, Band and Guitar Groups are this Tuesday at 1:30 and 7:00. Please have choir members at school in the music room by 6:30 with their Choir Shirt and Black Pants. Thank you for all your flexibility with the after school practices and all of the extra commitments that have been asked of you!

PK-2 Spring Program, "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" it is on Thursday at 1:30 and 7:00. Please have students in the 4th and 5th grade hallway at 6:30 to get ready with their appropriate pant color, check the agenda for more details. It would also be helpful if your children could where a tight shirt or tank top under the clothes they will wear to school that evening, this will allow their costume to fit better. Keep going over lines, practice makes permanent.

All other classes are working on standards 8 and 9, please check out the agenda for more information! Thank you! Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Simms

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone!

Hello! Next week is the week before the PK-2 Spring Program, "The Bear went over the Mountain.", on the Blog notice you will see attached a form if you would like to order a professional video taping of the program. If you look on the agenda it will give more detailed instructions on what is needed from all parents of students in grades Pk-2, please check that out. Mrs. Elliot, 6th grade and Mrs. Norman's classes are working with music history. 4th grades and Mrs. McMahon's class are doing recorders. Choir is getting ready for the Annual Fund Dinner, their concert on May 3rd and their presentations. Hope everyone has a safe weekend, don't forget the reason for the season!

Mrs. Simms

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How nice the weather is!

Hello! Hope everyone is having a great week! Please check the agenda tab to see specific things that are going on in your child's class. The program for Pk-2 is quickly approaching that date is May 5th at 1:30 and 7:00 p.m. All kids will need to be at school by 6:30 please. The Jubilance Choir, Band and Guitar Groups will have their concert at 1:30 and 7:00 on May 3rd in the Gym, please have Jubilance members at school by 6:30. 6th grade is working on standards 8 and 9 which relate history and art to music. Mrs. Welty's class is learning about patriotic songs, music with math and the Mouri culture. Keep encouraging the kids in Mrs. Eastman's and McMahon's classes to practice the reorders. You will be getting an update on the gradebook next week. Please check in to make you child is progressing as need be. We are having many students forgetting their recorders, please help remind and encourage them! Everyone is doing great as the year is wrapping up, I am so proud to see the growth that our kids have made throughout the year! Thank you!

Mrs. Simms

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What a great week back from Spring Break!

Hello! Everyone!

Some reminders! I have been hearing wonderful compliments from Parishioners about the HS choir and how it is such a joy when they come to the Sunday Masses, thank you to the parents for their dedication to bringing their kids to Mass. There is a Mass this Sunday at 12:00, please have kids here at 11:30. The choir is in the Annual Fund Dinner, and we are working on songs, ask the kids what we have been doing! Hope that 8th grade has fun in D.C....can't wait to hear about the White House visit. Parents with kids in 1st and 2nd grades in the program, please keep working with the kids on their lines, practice makes permanent! PK Parents, remember the program is on Thursday at 1:30 and 7:00, please let Mrs. Flynn or myself know if your child will not be attending! McMahon and Eastman's classes are doing recorders still, please encourage them to practice! 3rd grade will be working on learning about Bach, ask them about him! Kindergarten is working hard on program songs, I will be getting back with any parents who have contacted me as I see things I need assistance with, thank you to all those who have volunteered! Have a great week and let me know if you need anything!

Mrs. Simms