Agenda's for PK-8th

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Agenda 4/2-4/6

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!
Mrs. Angela Simms

Parents that are going as a chaperones, please send in money for your ticket $7. Also Please check in with the office. Many of you have filled the chaperone paperwork before but it is out dated. Please see the office becasue without the work you cannot attend. There will need to be a background check for some of you also. Please check in the office. Thanks!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe and relaxing spring break!
If you have the following items, I am collecting needed props for the Annual Fund Dinner.  We are in need of two med sizes white dog(stuffed)  and 3 stick pony's (they are a sick with a horse head.)  if you have this and do not mind, letting us borrow it.  Please put your name on it and send it to school after break.  Thanks!

PK- Johnny had one friend, Grandma's Glasses, Eensey Wensy Spider, Que Canten los Ninos, Jennie Jenkins, Father Grumble, Bling, Down by the Bay, Fais Dodo, Ram Sam Sam, Frog in the Meadow
Kindergarten- The way we wash our hands, 5 Little Rabbits, Corn, Que Canten los Ninos, Put your finger in the air, The old Gray Cat, Doggie Doggie, Here is a beehive.
1st grade-  Que Canten los Ninos, It's a Beautiful Day-motions, Hand jive, notes learning

2N: Holy Thurs Music Practice,  Music of different cultures-Africa, Brazil, Chinese
2/3E: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Creating songs using computers  Note staff work.
3rd grade Mrs. Ray's:  Creating songs using computers  Note staff work

4th grade Eastman-  RECORDERS will be due in class every class period.  The grades will be based on successfully completing 9 songs in the packet.  Students will receive a score at the end of the quarter for the their recorder being at school during classtime and for their completion of the work.  8-9 songs is an A, 6-7 songs is a B, 5-4 songs is a C, 2-3 songs is a D, and only 1 song is an F.  Students will have 9 weeks to complete the work.  So a song a week will make sure they have an A.
4/5 Glenn: RECORDERS will be due in class every class period.  The grades will be based on successfully completing 9 songs in the packet.  Students will receive a score at the end of the quarter for the their recorder being at school during classtime and for their completion of the work.  8-9 songs is an A, 6-7 songs is a B, 5-4 songs is a C, 2-3 songs is a D, and only 1 song is an F.  Students will have 9 weeks to complete the work.  So a song a week will make sure they have an A.  5th graders in this group will have the same repsonsibilities as the 4th graders but they will be working on more challenging pieces of music.
5 Mc: Barred instruments learning and performing in pairs and groups.  Learning about chords and playing other pieces which incorporates playing independant parts. 
Tribute and Publicity Committee will work on getting information about our honorees and creating a presentation for the Annual Fund Dinner. They will begin working on posters to be hang throughout Indianapolis.  The front Bulletin board will be created by this group to advertise for the event. 
Sound and Lights will work toward learning the sound and light board operation, working towards getting scripts labeled and organization of the tech the night of the AFD
Stage Crew and Props will make and help with the many props on the stage, scenery and all that happens behind the scenes.
The Performers will be be practicing vocal parts, lines, blocking, dancing and singing.  
All classes will receive grades for their work, participation and effort during the class period and with homework they might have.  I will be sending home a rubric the next week students are back to make sure expectations of the class are communicated. The event is an awesome night, the kids will show stewardship by giving of their time and talants to support the school.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3/19-3/23 Agenda

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!
Mrs. Angela Simms

Parents that are going as a chaperones, please send in money for your ticket $7. Also Please check in with the office. Many of you have filled the chaperone paperwork before but it is out dated. Please see the office becasue without the work you cannot attend. There will need to be a background check for some of you also. Please check in the office. Thanks!

I would love to meet with any of you who I have need seen at a conferece to discuss what we are doing in music.  Just email me, so I can add you to my schedule!  Thanks!

PK- Bill Grogen's Goat, Johnny had one friend, Grandma's Glasses, Ali Baba, My Aunt Came Back, Eensey Wensy Spider, Que Canten los Ninos, Jennie Jenkins, Father Grumble
Kindergarten- The way we wash our hands, 5 Little Rabbits, Corn, 5 Green and Speckled Frogs, Que Canten los Ninos, Put your finger in the air, Bingo
1st grade- Weather permitting Walking for Lent,  Que Canten los Ninos, It's a Beautiful Day-motions, Hand jive, notes learning

2N: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Native American Culture Continued
2/3E: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Creating songs using computers  Note staff work.
3rd grade Mrs. Ray's:  Creating songs using computers  Note staff work

4th grade Eastman-  RECORDERS will be due in class every class period.  The grades will be based on successfully completing 9 songs in the packet.  Students will receive a score at the end of the quarter for the their recorder being at school during classtime and for their completion of the work.  8-9 songs is an A, 6-7 songs is a B, 5-4 songs is a C, 2-3 songs is a D, and only 1 song is an F.  Students will have 9 weeks to complete the work.  So a song a week will make sure they have an A.
4/5 Glenn: RECORDERS will be due in class every class period.  The grades will be based on successfully completing 9 songs in the packet.  Students will receive a score at the end of the quarter for the their recorder being at school during classtime and for their completion of the work.  8-9 songs is an A, 6-7 songs is a B, 5-4 songs is a C, 2-3 songs is a D, and only 1 song is an F.  Students will have 9 weeks to complete the work.  So a song a week will make sure they have an A.  5th graders in this group will have the same repsonsibilities as the 4th graders but they will be working on more challenging pieces of music.
5 Mc: Barred instruments learning and performing in pairs and groups.  Learning about chords and playing other pieces which incorporates playing independant parts.
Tribute and Publicity Committee will work on get information about our honorees and deciding how to advertise the event.  They will begin working
Sound and Lights will work toward learning the sound and light board operation
Stage Crew and Props will make and help with the many props on the stage, scenery and all that happens behind the scenes.
The Performers will be be practicing vocal parts, lines, blocking, dancing and singing.  
All classes will receive grades for their work, participation and effort during the class period and with homework they might have.  The event is an awesome night, the kids will show stewardship by giving of their time and talants to support the school.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Agenda 3/12-3/16

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for you!
Mrs. Angela Simms

School Mass this Sunday, 12:00.  Jubilance Choir: Please be here at 11:30 in the music room for practice.  All other see Mrs. Simms following Mass in uniform!  Thank you!  Let's have 100% attendance!

PK- Bill Grogen's Goat, Johnny had one friend, Grandma's Glasses, Ali Baba, My Aunt Came Back, Eensey Wensy Spider, Que Canten los Ninos
Kindergarten- 5 Green and Speckled Frogs, Que Canten los Ninos, Put your finger in the air, Bingo, and review
1st grade- Walking for Lent, Cultural Music Unit-Africa, Spain, Native American, and Latin America, Que Canten los Ninos, It's a Beautiful Day-motions, Hand jive, notes learning

2N: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Native American Culture 
2/3E: Holy Thurs Music Practice, Creating songs using computers  Note staff work.
3rd grade Mrs. Ray's:  Creating songs using computers  Note staff work
4th grade Eastman- Indiana Composers projects presented. RECORDERS music be in my Monday!  Review notes and staff.
4/5 Glenn: Notes and staff review Recorders ARE due Tuesday.
5 Mc: Barred instruments learning and performing in pairs and groups.  Learning about chords. 
So classes have drastically changed for Unified Arts.  The classes have been changed to allow students to work in preparation for the Annual Fund Dinner Performance.  Students will be taking many roles in getting ready for the dinner from props, stage, lights, sound board, publicity and working to pay tribute to our honorees.  Students will receive a schedule by Monday so they know what is going on.
Tribute and Publicity Committee will work on get information about our honorees and deciding how to advertise the event.
Sound and Lights will work toward learning the sound and light board operation
Stage Crew and Props will make and help with the many props on the stage, scenery and all that happens behind the scenes.
The Performers will be be practicing vocal parts, lines, blocking, dancing and singing.  
All classes will receive grades for their work, participation and effort during the class period and with homework they might have.  The event is an awesome night, the kids will show stewardship by giving of their time and talants to support the school.