Agenda's for PK-8th

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Music Agenda 4/22-4/26

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for your child and you!!
Mrs. Angela Simms

REMINDER!!!!! Schedule Changes...Although 8th graders are very busy, we are asking they attend with their peers two specific rehearsals, Fri., 4/26 (return from DC), 3:00 and Fri., 5/3 (May Day), eighth grade return to school at 3:00.  We want to make sure all are prepared for the show. Here are a few rehearsals on the schedule currently, but there will be time changes. Mon., 5/6, 3:00-5:00, Tues., 5/7 3:00-5:00, Wednesday., 5/8 Dress Rehearsal 6:00-8:00, student call time the night of the show will come later.  Any questions, please let me know!  

Advertising!  This helps you and Holy Spirit!    

At Holy Spirit School our goal is always to create the best experience for our students and be up to date on quality education materials and technologies.  We will be starting a program to do just that. Advertising in our programs for our musical performance is one way we can make this possible.

The money we raise through our advertisements in the Annual Fund Dinner program handout will go toward the purchase of new sound equipment or other needs for Holy Spirit School.  Please consider advertising for your business or put in a personal ad to wish a child good luck!  All ads are due to Mrs. Simms by Friday May 3rd**

Middle School students will put on the Annual Fund Dinner On **May 9th starting at 8:00 P.M.**.  Some middle school students will be performing as an actor/actress or stage crew.  Others will be serving on the dinner side.  The whole school will attend the 10:45 performance on Friday, May 10th- all takes place in the gym

Attached is a sample example for you to see the possibilities for this program- Please make **Checks payable to Holy Spirit School with Advertising  in the memo.  Send your Ads to**  You can either send in a document as the ad or I can design your ad with your words.  Please feel free to send pictures, business cards or any other jpeg files.  As stated, it is a fun way to send love to your kids or advertise for your business or wherever you work.  It is very affordable…$40, for a whole page ad, $20 for a half a page ad and $10 for quarter of the page.  The ads will be viewed by approximately 400 people from the Holy Spirit Community.

Thank You for your support,
Mrs. Simms

"3 Little Rabbits", "Mashed Potatoes", "Shorten Bread", "Popcorn". "Round in a Circle", "Sports Dance"

1st grade:
Students will be planning a song with instruments in groups

2nd Grade:
Voices in music, students will be identifying Male, Female and Children's voices in music.  The second class, we will discuss student’s music preferences with a follow art activity.

3rd Grade:
Barred instruments- Students will be improvising in pairs

4th Grade:
Please remind students about bringing recorders to class and practice.  They are working hard!
 5th grade:
Students will be working with barred instruments, they will read music, putting their musical reading to the test!

Annual Fund Dinner Class
Encourage kids to work on lines, dances, and singing.  We have had a few scheduling changes.  Please see note above.  Also, if you would like to give a shout out to your child in the program, there is note above about the procedure for that.  If you have a company or work for a company that would be willing to advertise through Holy Spirit all details are above! 

Jubilance Choir As the year is coming to an end; we sometimes get Spring fever, please keep encouraging students of the importance of singing out and responding at Mass. 

6th Grade:
We will look at how Art Terms are also Music terms and how they comparable across the curriculums.

7th Grade:
Students will have an assessment to show their knowledge of the Treble and Bass staff, piano key location and rhythmic knowledge.   Please encourage them to study that test is on Tuesday! 

8th Grade:
Gone to Washington DC, Happy, Safe Trip!

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