Agenda's for PK-8th

Friday, February 14, 2014

Music Agenda 2/17-2/21

If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for your child and you!!
Mrs. Angela Simms 

RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.  Our focus will be on K.8.1  Describe musical concepts of high or low, fast or slow, and loud or soft through moving or drawing.

1st Grade: We will be exploring, RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.  Our focus will be on 1.6.3  Identify phrases of a song as same or different and listen for repetition of phrases. Music Note Head bands to show same and different, students playing same and different phrases on the piano, Class 2: looking at an example of music, finding the repeating phrases, what is the same and what is different on SMARTboard, listening to classical piece and identifying repetition and differences in the phrases, Class 3: practice with 3 songs to identify while looking at the music

2nd Grade:RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding music in relation to history and culture. Our focus will be 2.9.1  Discuss suitable music for various special occasions and the role it plays. - hats in our cultureWhat Holiday would I celebrate in this hat?  Students will draw a hat from a holiday and write the title of an important song with the holiday, and we will post on bulletin board

3rd Grade: RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.  We will focus on 3.8.2  Interpret an aural musical example using dance, drama, art, or writing.  Stations...

4th Grade:CREATING MUSIC: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.  We will focus on 4.4.1  Compose a melody for a verse of a selected poem and notate it using traditional or electronic means.  Students will need a tablet if they have one, and is able to bring to school to use for our class.

5th- Procedures  CREATING MUSIC: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.  We will focus on 5.4.1  Plan and perform rhythmic speech compositions with text based on themes such as names, states, or famous people. Include performance indicators such as tempo and dynamics.  Students draw to find their theme.  Students use tablets to create fact lists.  
Annual Fund Dinner Class(AFD) Choreography, part singing, prop list, practice time.
6th- RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music, focus on 6.6.5  Visually and aurally identify traditional string, wind, and percussion instruments, folk instruments, electronic instruments, and those from world cultures. Homework due: required pictures, required facts, required technology.  All students need notebooks, folders, pencil and planner.  Creating presentation as a class.

7th-  RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.  With a focus on 7.8.3  Identify and label the basic anatomy of the ear and discuss healthy listening habits. Deaf Demonstration:  and video. Healthy Listening,   Homework:, answer question, Classtime: Diagram of ear- Color and label in class, make model out of clay- get judged for winner...

8th- RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.  We will focus on 8.8.2  Interpret an example of absolute music, such as a movement from a Mozart concerto, through drawing and poetry or descriptive writing.  Students in groups of 3, provide with a piece for them to find on; will be compete for best created trio at the end of class. 

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