Agenda's for PK-8th

Monday, April 27, 2015

Music Agenda 4/27-5/1

****The Band students were so amazing at the East Deanery Band Festival.  They were very polite and well behaved and worked well with all the students from other school.  The performance was outstanding!  Thank you to parents who came and joined us, and helped with all the clean up needs.   Thank you to Mrs. Epple for all the time and work she puts into Holy Spirit, merely as a volunteer.  Her passion and support could never be Thanked enough!

*****Special Thanks to parents in Annual Fund Dinner for getting there kids to practices, having them stay at practice until 4:30, communicating with me about kickball games and scheduling issues. THANK YOU!  IT MAKES THINGS SO MUCH EASIER!!! Special thanks to Mrs. Hartman, Mrs. Kappus, Ms. Spears, Mrs. Taylor for all there extra work with the work day, costumes and meetings to make this show a success.  Thank you to Miss Richardson, Ms. Peakcock, Mrs. Welty, Mrs. Newhart, Mr. Moran, Mr. Green and Mr. Shepherd for all their work and time thus far...IT TAKE A VILLAGE!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!

*********If you have a flexible job and would like to volunteer in the music classroom  during the day throughout the school year, please let me know, I am in need of some help! Thank you!

Kindergarten- Students will create a short melodic pattern to sing and play on a classroom instrument using bells.  Students will continue to work on steady beat, and we will work on expanding vocal range with Becker, the musical hand puppet,  

First Grade-  We will be discovering musical terms and concepts such as pattern and line that are also used in other disciplines and express them through moving, drawing, or other appropriate means.  We will also Describe the importance of activities such as listening, reading, and moving that occur in music class and other curricular areas. 

Second Grade
Echo melodic and rhythmic patterns, Maintain a steady beat and play with appropriate dynamic levels,  Play classroom instruments with the proper technique, holding them correctly.  Learn correct names for classroom instruments and identify those associated with world cultures. Play simple ostinatos while others sing. Follow the cues of a conductor with regard to tempo and dynamics.  

Third Grade: Students continue working with the barred instruments.  They have been copying rhythms and patterns to become proficient in playing the instrument.  We will begin to start creating measure of music.  Pending ISTEP Schedule, we will be moving

Fourth Grade-  Recorders need to be in music class weekly, we are forgetting our recorders, please remind the kids to bring them!  Weekly grades are effected because students cannot test if they don't have the instrument.  Pending ISTEP Schedule, we will be moving

Fifth Grade- We are begin recorder karate 2.  Students will need their recorders everyday music class! Pending ISTEP Schedule, we will be moving

Annual Fund Dinner(AFD) Little Mermaid Jr.: PARENTS!!! PLEASE help by supporting your child's commitment to Annual Fund.  This is Holy Spirit's most important event for fundraising for the school, when the kids miss practice aside from illness, it really effects our practice time.  Please remind them of the importance of being at practice on Mon and Wednesdays.  Practices will go until 4:30, please make sure kids are staying until practice is over

The Advanced and Beginning Band  groups:  April 21st, East Deanery Band Festival, was such a success!  We are continuing work on  various songs "Hey Song", "Go Big Green", "Happy Birthday", and "Jaws", "Happy", "The Holy Spirit School Song", Seaway March, a few others.  These two groups have really been growing musically!  Their reading is really improving!   Guitars- They are exceptional group of students.  Such motivation and dedication!  They continue to work on their music for the concert on May 18th!  Pending ISTEP Schedule, we will be moving, no band this week due to ISTEP!

I am hear to serve you! 

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist your child musically!
Mrs. Simms

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