PK McLaughlin- Ice Cream Sundae, Johnny on the Woodpile, My Aunt Came Back, Pitter Patter, Freeze dance, Two little blackbirds, Ensey weensy Animal Action, Ali Baba, Aiken Drum, Keeping the Beat #20, Over in the meadow, Wonderful Women, Peter Peter, Twinkle, Humpty Dumpty, Georgie Porgy.
Kindergarten- Continue Echo, steady beat work, Nursery Rhythms Mania
1st grade: We will continue to learn patriotic songs in celebration of Presidents day! 1.6.1 Show changes in tempo, dynamics, and mood using movement in response to music.1.6.3 Identify phrases of a song as same or different and listen for repetition of phrases. 1.6.4 Identify and demonstrate appropriate listening behavior during a classroom or outside performance. 1.7.1 Discuss the place and personal importance of music at home, at school, and in the community. We will begin to have 5 seconds concerts, and learn audience procedures.
2nd grade- Holy Thursday Presentation work continues, grades based on participation, practice and memorization.
3rd grade- We are taking a break from our previously scheduled unit to move and be active because of ISTEP. We will learn a dance from Russia called "Sasha", and another dance and song "Draw me a Bucket of Water" if there is time.
3rd grade- We are taking a break from our previously scheduled unit to move and be active because of ISTEP. We will learn a dance from Russia called "Sasha", and another dance and song "Draw me a Bucket of Water" if there is time.
4th grade- We are taking a break from our previously scheduled unit to move and be active because of ISTEP. Agadu, Blue Bird
5th grade- No instruments needed, We are taking a break from our previously scheduled unit to move and be active because of ISTEP. Sevivon, and Bongo
Guitars, Class Choir Class and performance choir will be combined with band classes and we(U.A. team) will move with them for one period in the morning to get their brains jumpstarted for ISTEP. When students are in the music room we will learn - Sasha, Yesh- 2 cultural dances
Starting in March practice will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:30. I have posted on edmodo the schedule and the kids have a hard copy for January and Febuary. We are focusing on "Be our guest". We need help with costumes, if students in their roles can come up with ideas and provide their own, that would be great! Let me know if you have any questions!
Performance Important dates!!!
AFD practice for Beauty and the Beast Jr. will be Wednesday and Thursdays in Feburary. March we all have Wed. Thurs practice after school from 3:00-4:30
Graduation Mass- June 1st(Performance Choir Requirement, excluding 8th grade)