Kindergarten- Continue Echo, steady beat work, Nursery Rhythms Mania, We learn patriotic songs in celebration of Presidents day!
1st grade: We learn patriotic songs in celebration of Presidents day! 1.6.1 Show changes in tempo, dynamics, and mood using movement in response to music.1.6.3 Identify phrases of a song as same or different and listen for repetition of phrases. 1.6.4 Identify and demonstrate appropriate listening behavior during a classroom or outside performance. 1.7.1 Discuss the place and personal importance of music at home, at school, and in the community.
2nd grade- Holy Thursday Presentation work begins. Steady beat and echoing continues, We will begin to learn about instruments associated with world cultures.
3rd grade-"He's got the whole World in his hands" unit continues. We are going to start using the orff instruments, which are percussion instruments. We will continue to review note values and 3.2.1 Echo melodic and rhythmic patterns. 3.2.2 Play given pitch patterns on a mallet instrument, keyboard, or recorder. 3.2.3 Play instruments in a group with a steady beat, appropriate dynamics, and correct technique. 3.2.4 Use correct names for classroom instruments including those from world cultures. 3.2.5 Play four-measure melodies on pitched percussion instruments. 3.2.6 Play ostinato accompaniments on pitched and non-pitched classroom instruments, independently and with others. 3.2.7 Follow the cues of a conductor. We are going to focus on giving names to the instruments in the room, and repeating melodic and rhythmic ostinatos.
4th grade- Recorder work! Some students have moved onto the challenge packet. We focusing on rhythms and steady beat.
5th grade- Hot Cross Buns and Go Tell Aunt Roady, we also are working on fingerings and warm up! . Some students are working with Mrs. Epple for contest, they have their contest this weekend! I am sad to miss it! Best wishes to our talented kids!
Guitar Class- Students took a field trip to a nursing home and played and a group sang... Our students are giving of themselves and serving others!
Class Choir Class- The kids are learning to sing in the "high"voice and match pitch. We are working on popcorn which is cannon we will work towards singing in 3 parts. The kids did a Venn diagram this week comparing the composers from Baroque and Mideval periods. We are working on counting rhythms accurately in multiple meters and we will move to instrument playing in individual parts when we have achieved accuracy in counting.
Performance Choir Class is now the Annual Fund Dinner Class- All February after school practices are from 3:00-4:00 in the music room. Starting in March practice will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:30. I have posted on edmodo the schedule and the kids have a hard copy for January and Febuary. We are focusing on "Be our guest". We need help with costumes, if students in their roles can come up with ideas and provide their own, that would be great! Let me know if you have any questions!
Performance Important dates!!!
AFD practice for Beauty and the Beast Jr. will be Wednesday and Thursdays in Feburary. March we all have Wed. Thurs practice after school from 3:00-4:30
Graduation Mass- June 1st(Performance Choir Requirement, excluding 8th grade)
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