If you need anything, please give me a call or email me...I am here for your child and you!!
Mrs. Angela Simms
Mrs. Angela Simms
Annual Fund Practice will continue after school from 3:00-4:00. Please check the schedule for specific dates. The students in Annual Fund will have practice during the school day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:45-8:24. Please have kids here on time in the morning and avoid making appointments during the practice times. Remember if kids miss more than 5 practices not sure to illness they will be replaced in the show. Any questions, please let me know!
High and low in music is our concept for the week. "Chinese Dance" "Three Bears", “The Hummingbird”, "Little Crab”
1st grade :
Student will take an assessment over note writing and understanding. Students will perform for class their note values. We will begin talking about Sofege and the “Sound of Music”
2nd Grade:
Carnival of the Animals, instrumental introduction and analyzing music
3rd Grade:
Note review and Solfege learning begins
4th Grade:
We will begin looking at other cultures in music
5th grade:
Music in history, how music was apart of our history long ago. Railroad, Revoluntionary War, Jamestown , and Patriotic Songs. Why is this meaningful to us in music class. Students will write an essay on their favorite history song we studied. We will begin to talk about culture in music also.
Annual Fund Dinner Class
Working on music, script memorization is March 4th
Jubilance Choir
Classes are the fourth Sunday of the following months: February, and March- students should wear uniforms at these Masses. Meet in the West Vestibule with Mrs. Newhart at 11:30, for the 12:00 Masses. If Middle School Choir Members are not attending the Sunday Masses, grades will be lowered, if I am not contacted. Please communicate, I know things come up. If you do not attend the Mass, please remind students of proper etiquette at Mass, no talking and acting reverent in the church.
6th Grade General Music:
Cultural Music Unit on Asia continued. Students will work on learning music, dances and facts. They will assessed on participation, effort, reflection questions and potential quizzes.
7th Grade General Music:
Solfege and Warm ups, Dynamics and other terms review, Form in music continued. Students need to have notebooks for every class. Analyzing music will be a skill we will work on this class. We will review music terms and art terms again.
8th Grade General Music
Aural rhythm identification- will be performing their rhythm on the piano. They will be assessed over the following music terms: Dynamics, Articulation and other terms review, Repetition. Students need to have notebooks for every class.
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