Agenda's for PK-8th

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Music Agenda 1/20-1/25

Not sure what happened with my Blog last week, this week I think I have it fixed!  I was gone for a conference and my son was sick last week.  The sub plans went in a different direction, so we will be going the same plans for last week, as we did not do them!  Thank you! 

Kindergarten- We are continuing a focused unit on Steady Beat.  We will be moving, singing, and playing instruments with the song, Johnny Works with One Hammer, Hickory Dickory Dock, Stars and Stripes Forever, Hickety Tickety Bumble Bee, and Old McDonald.  We are going to continue to learn about loud and soft in music and move towards note reading as we learn quarter notes and rests and 2 eighth note patterns.   We will also look at fast and slow in music.

First Grade-  Students will review notes and reading rhythms.  Students will continue practice writing notes and rhythms for identification practice.  We will also begin to look at sofege(Do, Re, Mi).  We will begin to start reading with Solfege. We will write notes that we have already learned. 

Second Grade-  We will begin identifying classroom and orchestral instruments and their families through sight and sound.  We will pay some games to practice and memorize.  We will also play instrument Bingo and do an instrument crossword puzzle.

Third Grade- We will look at "form" in music and how it plays a role in music.  We will learn the song "Sally Goodin" and do some learning from the music textbook. We will continue with forms with identifying listening examples.  Students will be writing and explaining different parts of a song. 

Fourth Grade- We will continue to learn new terms; dynamics,  articulation, Tempo, rhythm, melody in music and applying them to our music and seeing how they are used with different pieces and songs. 
We will begin writing a portfolio with illustrations of music experiences in our lives following the prompts in class.  Writing prompts will be graded using the ISTEP rubric.

Fifth Grade- 
 We are going to push back the presentations for now.  I want to focus on US History because I will be teaching them a states and capital song.  We will work on patriotic songs, and read an article about the National Anthem and do some questions to work towards ISTEP-

Annual Fund Dinner(AFD) Little Mermaid Jr.-   Students will receive a contract for AFD and another schedule to make sure all parents are informed of all expectations of the AFD class, practices, requirements and performances ahead of time.  You should have received and email from me with the practice schedule attached please let me know if you have any concerns scheduling wise.  Students will be practicing in class the music, and after school most Mondays and Wednesdays until 4:00 for the staging.  Stage crew, excluding Slights, sound and tech crew will not be needed until March.  

Band- If students are not in AFD they are apart of the band or playing some instrument part.  Students who have advanced are moving to 1st period and becoming part of the advanced group.  Mrs. Epple and I will work on curriculum and she will be leading the kids during the period mostly. This group will meet at the same time as AFD class as some students are a part of both groups.  The remainder of the students will stay with the regular band group, 2nd period kids have been divided into choir chime group, bell groups and recorder groups.  Kids will work with choir chimes, symphonic instruments, bells and recorders.  If students have been in the band all year they will continue to work with their instrument. More details will come as we work with the kids and evaluate interests and abilities to make a curriculum that is beneficial for all our students in the group.  Mrs. Newhart will continue with the guitars.  If students in advanced band are wishing to do CYO please give the information to myself or Mrs. Epple so we can help get it submitted deadline is Thurs Jan 15th.  

Any questions please contact me, I am here to advance your child musically!
Angela Simms

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