Agenda's for PK-8th

Friday, September 25, 2015

Music Agenda 9/28-10/2

PK Mc- "I am a Pizza", "Do you like?", "Slippery Fish", "5 Green and Speckled Frogs", "5 Little Monkey's", "Freeze Dance", "ABC Rock", "Frog in the meadow" with rhythm sticks, "Listen Listen" with the drums,  "No More Pie", "Animal Action", Nursery Rhyme learning, beaker and the slide whistle for pitches.

Kindergarten-   Please send you the forms letting me know if you child will need ears for the program or if you will be bringing your own.  Students will have a fall program on Oct 29th, at 1:30 and 7:00pm in the gym.  Students will be singing "Be Nice Today, Old Ark, Animals Loaded two by two, and "We all celebrate". 

1st grade-Lines have gone home, please practice with the kids regularly, they will be more successful and feel more at ease for the program.  Please send you the forms letting me know if you child will need ears for the program or if you will be bringing your own. Students will have a fall program on Oct 29th, at 1:30, 7:00pm in the gym.  We will be working motions, songs and lines the next few weeks.  The songs we will be working on are, "A Bunch of Animals",My Friend, "The Rainbow" and "We all celebrate".  

2nd grade- Lines have gone home, please practice with the kids regularly, they will be more successful and feel more at ease for the program.  Please send you the forms letting me know if you child will need ears for the program or if you will be bringing your own. Students will have a fall program on Oct 29th, at 1:30 7:00pm in the gym. We will be working motions, songs and lines the next few weeks.  The songs we will be working on are, "Wings of a Dove", "Our earth, our home", Who built the ark" and "We all celebrate"

3rd grade-Students will participate in the Christmas Program on Dec. 3rd at 1:30 and 7:00 in the gym. We will begin working songs in next week, it seems early but with fall break, I want to make sure they re prepared! Students will also focus on 3.1.1 Sing a cappella and accompanied songs with attention to pitch, diction, tone quality, and posture. 3.1.2 Sing expressively with varied dynamics and appropriate phrasing. 3.1.3 Sing songs from a variety of cultures including those of the school and community, adding any movement considered intrinsic to authentic performance of the music. 3.1.4 Sing rounds and songs with ostinatos. 3.1.5 Follow the cues of a conductor.   The songs the kids are working on are; "The Unfriendly Beasts, The Unfriendly Beast Reprise, "Away in a Manger", Finale 

4th grade-Christmas Program is on Dec. 3rd at 1:30 and  7:00, in the gym.  e will begin working songs in next week, it seems early but with fall break, I want to make sure they re prepared! Students will also focus on 4.1.1 Sing while maintaining good breath control, pitch, diction, tone quality, and posture. 4.1.2 Sing expressively with attention to dynamics and phrasing. 4.1.3 Sing a diverse repertoire of songs with varied accompaniment and including other cultures and languages, adding any movement considered intrinsic to authentic performance of the music. 4.1.4 Sing partner songs, rounds, and songs with ostinatos. 4.1.5 Follow the cues of a conductor. The songs we are working on are, "No room in the Stable", Mind your Manners", "The Friendly Beasts", "Finale".

5th grade-  Students will still participate in the Christmas Program, Dec. 3rd at 7:00.  Students will not only sing, but will also perform an instrumental piece! We will start working on the Christmas Program this week. It seems early but with fall break, I want to make sure they are prepared! Students will also focus on 5.1.1 Sing independently and in ensembles maintaining good breath control, pitch, diction, tone quality, and posture. 5.1.2 Sing expressively with attention to dynamics, phrasing, and articulation. 5.1.3 Sing a varied repertoire of songs with sensitivity to diverse cultures, accurate use of languages, and appropriate movement. 5.1.4 Sing unison and two-part songs, partner songs, and rounds, a cappella and with varied accompaniment. 5.1.5 Follow the cues of a conductor.  The songs we are singing; "Hail Holy Queen", "The Long Long Walk to Bethlehem", "There's no room in the Inn", Finale.  

Guitar Class-  Students will work on music reading, Mass music, chords, and program pieces.  We have Guitar lessons offered, please contact Mrs. Simms for more details.  Don't forget about Scecina High school students, Michael Rosswurm, Holy Spirit grad will be volunteering at HS each Thursday at 3:30 to have a guitar jam group. This is our first year so we will be making some changes and making the Jam group better and better.    Middle School Music Field Trip to the Purdue Christmas Show on December 4th, watch for permission slips!

Beginning and Advanced Bands- Mrs. Michele Epple is the band instructor this year,  Any band questions, please send her an email. Middle School Music Field Trip to the Purdue Christmas Show on December 4th, watch for permission slips!

Class Choir Class-  Yonder Come Day, Roadkill Stew, Singing terms, symbols in music and music staff learning. Students will have a quiz over the information on Monday!  Middle School Music Field Trip to the Purdue Christmas Show on December 4th, watch for permission slips! 

Performance Choir Class- Solfege Round, This Flag we Fly, Mass Practice, Keys to good singing terms and Warm ups. Yakkin on a Cellphone, Taps, Musical Staff learning, Symbols in sheet music. Middle School Music Field Trip to the Purdue Christmas Show on December 4th, Caroling field trip on December 15th, and breakfast with Santa on December 5th at 9:00 AM.  Please make these on the calendars, these are requirements for the class!  Annual Fund show announced next week!  Auditions for Annual Fund will be December 16th after school!  Mark your calendars!

Performance Important dates!!!
Oct. 29th- K-2 Fall program -Noah's Journey
Dec. 3rd-3-5 Christmas program-The Unfriendly Beasts
December 4th- Purdue Christmas Show- Middle School Field Trip 
Performance Choir field trip-December 15th
December 9th- Band, Guitar and Performance Choir Concert
Breakfast with Santa- Dec. 5th (Performance Choir requirement)
Annual Fund Dinner Auditions- December 16th after school!
Graduation Mass- June 1st(Performance Choir Requirement, excluding 8th grade)

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