K- Students will have a fall program on Oct 29th, at 1:30 and 7:00pm in the gym. Students will be singing "Be Nice Today, Who Built the Ark, Animals Loaded two by two, and "We all celebrate". While working on the program our focus will be on standards K.1.1 Match pitches in a limited vocal range. K.1.2 Echo short melodic patterns sung by the teacher. K.1.3 Sing with an appropriate tone quality. K.1.4 Sing short memorized songs, maintaining a steady beat. K.6.1 Identify differences in musical sounds that are high or low, fast or slow, loud or soft, and demonstrate them through movement, verbal description, or pictures. K.6.2 Distinguish vocal, instrumental, and environmental sounds. K.6.3 Compare vocal tone qualities such as whispering, singing, and speaking. K.6.4 Identify and demonstrate appropriate listening behavior during a classroom or outside performance.
1-Students will have a fall program on Oct 29th, at 1:30, 7:00pm in the gym. We will be working motions, songs and lines the next few weeks. The songs we will be working on are, "A Bunch of Animals", "Wings of a Dove", "The Rainbow" and "We all celebrate". While working on the program our focus will be on standards, 1.1.1 Match simple pitch patterns in expanding ranges. , 1.1.2 Maintain good posture and a steady beat while singing, 1.1.3 Sing at contrasting dynamic levels with appropriate tone quality, 1.1.4 Sing short memorized songsm 1.6.1 Show changes in tempo, dynamics, and mood using movement in response to music. 1.6.2 Identify various vocal, instrumental, and environmental sounds. 1.6.3 Identify phrases of a song as same or different and listen for repetition of phrases.
1.6.4 Identify and demonstrate appropriate listening behavior during a classroom or outside performance.
2- Students will have a fall program on Oct 29th, at 1:30 7:00pm in the gym. We will be working motions, songs and lines the next few weeks. The songs we will be working on are, "Candle on the Water", "Wonderful World", "Old Ark" and "We all celebrate", While working on the program our focus will be on standards, 2.1.1 Sing with accurate pitch, appropriate tone quality, clear diction, and good posture. 2.1.2 Sing a cappella and with accompaniment, independently and in groups. 2.1.3 Sing songs in the languages of other cultures, adding any movement considered intrinsic to authentic performance of the music. 2.1.4 Sing an ostinato with a familiar song, maintaining a steady beat. 2.1.5 Follow the cues of a conductor with regard to tempo and dynamics. 2.6.1 Identify contrasts and changes in tempo and dynamics using basic music terminology and movement. 2.6.2 Identify repetition and contrast in sections of music using symbols or movement. 2.6.6 Discuss and demonstrate appropriate listening behavior for various types of performances.
3-Students will participate in the Christmas Program on Dec. 3rd at 1:30 and 7:00 in the gym. We will begin working songs in October. We will begin learning some important patriotic songs. We will discuss and learn how music is everywhere in the world, and in our personal lives from different subject areas to faith. We will discuss words in art and other subjects that relate to music and how all vocabulary connects through the curriculum. Terms quiz next week!
4-Christmas Program is on Dec. 3rd at 1:30 and 7:00, in the gym. Students will draw connection to vocabulary of music and art terms, Students will be writing, drawing, dancing or creating a drama to Beethoven's fifth symphony, Students will create in group a musical representation of the book, Matilda theme group activity. Terms quiz next week!
5- Students will still participate in the Christmas Program, Dec. 3rd at 7:00. Students will not only sing, but will also perform an instrumental piece! We will start working on the Christmas Program this week. It feel a bit early, but with the instrument curriculum, we will have a lot to cover.
Guitars- They are working with Mrs. Newhart, her email is sandranewhart@yahoo.com Students will work on music reading, Mass music, chords, and program pieces.
Bands- Mrs. Michele Epple is the band instructor this year, mepple@holyspirit-indy.org. Any band questions, please send her an email.
Class Choir- Yonder Come Day, Roadkill Stew, Singing terms, symbols in music and music staff learning. Quiz Friday!
Performance Choir- Solfege Round, This Flag we Fly, Mass Practice, Keys to good singing terms and Warm ups. Yakkin on a Cellphone, Taps, Musical Staff learning, Symbols in sheet music.
Performance Important dates!!!
Oct. 29th- K-2 Fall program -Noah's Journey
Dec. 3rd-3-5 Christmas program-The Unfriendly Beasts
Performance Choir field trip-TBD
December 9th- Band, Guitar and Performance Choir Concert
Breakfast with Santa- Dec. 5th (Performance Choir requirement)
Annual Fund Dinner Auditions-TBD
Graduation Mass- June 1st(Performance Choir Requirement, excluding 8th grade)
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