Agenda's for PK-8th

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Music Agenda 3/10-1/14

Kindergarten- RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.  Our focus will be on K.6.3  Compare vocal tone qualities such as whispering, singing, and speaking.  We will review,"Hush Little Baby", "If your happy and you know it", "2 Little Sausages", "Surprise Symphony",  Loud and Soft: "Hush Little Baby", "If your happy and you know it", "2 Little Sausages", "Surprise Symphony",  Fast and slow: "Get on Board", "Paige's Train", Train story, "Engine Engine", "the Old Gray Cat", High and Low with Beaker and"Paige's train again", "Seesaw", "Bow Wow Wow", "Cookoo Cookoo", "Up down all through the town", "Andy Pandy"  Then we will start using our 5 different voices.

1st Grade: We will be exploring, RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.  Our focus will be on 1.6.2  Identify various vocal, instrumental, and environmental sounds.   Students will identify using the SMARTBOARD.  On the second day we will be moving throughout the building and going outside weather permitting to listen for sounds.  We will char the sounds in the classroom.

2nd Grade:RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding music in relation to history and culture. Our focus will be 2.9.2  Discover the role of music from earlier periods in history such as the music of Native Americans and its relationship to other elements in the society. We will be listening, singing and moving as we learn.

3rd Grade: RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.  We will focus on 3.8.2  Interpret an aural musical example using dance, drama, art, or writing.  Stations… Students are creating and working in groups on "The Marriage of Figaro", Students will finish work and perform.

4th Grade: RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Reading, notating, and interpreting music, we will be working on a couple of  standards, the classes are in different places: 4.5.1  Read, notate, and perform quarter, dotted quarter, eighth, half, dotted half, sixteenth, and whole notes, and quarter, half, and whole rests in duple and triple meters using rhythm syllables. We will also focus on 4.4.1  Compose a melody for a verse of a selected poem and notate it using traditional or electronic means.  Students will need a tablet if they have one, and is able to bring to school to use for our class. We will be doing recorders in a few weeks, form to be home asap.

5th- Procedures  CREATING MUSIC: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.  We will focus on 5.4.1  We are still working on music terms from two weeks ago.  We should get through that information in our first class next week and dive into our creating lesson. Plan and perform rhythmic speech compositions with text based on themes such as names, states, or famous people. Include performance indicators such as tempo and dynamics.  Students draw to find their theme.  Students use tablets to create fact lists.   We will be reviewing.  We will also be looking back at 5.5.6  Identify and apply terms and symbols found in musical scores.  WE need to re

Annual Fund Dinner Class(AFD) Choreography, part singing, prop list, practice time. We are working on putting it all together!  The kids are working hard, and be asked to do a lot of work to get this show ready.  We have had so much leadership step forward.  Special Thanks to Mr. Moran for all his work on the stage thus far, many hours have gone into get our stage ready.  Thank you to Miss Richardson, Mrs. Welty and Mrs. Newhart for their hard work and time thus far…It takes a great team to make a great show.

6th- RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music, focus on 6.6.5  Visually and aurally identify traditional string, wind, and percussion instruments, folk instruments, electronic instruments, and those from world cultures. Homework due: required pictures, required facts, required technology.  All students need notebooks, folders, pencil and planner.  I am still missing some homework from students, please check in to make sure they are getting their work done...

7th-  RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.  With a focus on 7.8.3  Identify and label the basic anatomy of the ear and discuss healthy listening habits. Deaf Demonstration:  and video. We will be reading this article...Healthy Listening,   

8th- RESPONDING TO MUSIC:  We are still finishing our Jackson Pollock instrumental creations, when they are complete we will be focusing on Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.  We will be finishing this project next week.

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