Agenda's for PK-8th

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Music Agenda 3/17-3/21

Kindergarten- Using our different voices- Speaking, Singing, Calling, Audiating, and Whispering.

1st Grade:  Music Importance at home, school and in the community.  Students will create a folded book, with art work of what is important to with music at home, school and the community.

2nd Grade:RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding music in relation to history and culture. Our focus will be 2.9.2  Discover the role of music from earlier periods in history such as the music of Native Americans and its relationship to other elements in the society. We will be listening, singing and moving as we learn.

3rd Grade: RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.  We will focus on 3.8.2  Interpret an aural musical example using dance, drama, art, or writing. Performing continues

4th Grade: RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Reading, notating, and interpreting music, we will be working on a couple of  standards, the classes are in different places: 4.5.1  Read, notate, and perform quarter, dotted quarter, eighth, half, dotted half, sixteenth, and whole notes, and quarter, half, and whole rests in duple and triple meters using rhythm syllables.  We will be doing recorders in a few weeks, form should be home.  Kids were given it today, and please just let me know if you need me to order a recorder.  Money can can be sent in later. 

5th- Procedures  CREATING MUSIC: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.   Plan and perform rhythmic speech compositions with text based on themes such as names, states, or famous people. Include performance indicators such as tempo and dynamics. Students will also be reviewing terms again.
Annual Fund Dinner Class(AFD) Part singing!  . We are working on putting it all together!  The kids are working hard, and be asked to do a lot of work to get this show ready.  We have had so much leadership step forward.  We were looking to add practice the week before Spring Break.  We only were scheduled for Monday the week of conferences.  We are looking at having  practice Wednesday and Thursday of that week.

6th- RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music, focus on 6.6.5  Visually and aurally identify traditional string, wind, and percussion instruments, folk instruments, electronic instruments, and those from world cultures. Homework due: required pictures, required facts, required technology.  All students need notebooks, folders, pencil and planner.  We are creating presentations on educations, and working on compiling and presenting information.  Also working on 
6.8.2  Respond to specific writing prompts such as, “How is listening to music different than looking at art or reading a poem?” 

7th-  7.8.2  Define the physical properties of sound including frequency, amplitude, and wavelength.  How does sound connect to Science?  They will watch "Bill Nye" and learn about the science of music and sound.  They will write about what they learn.

8th- RESPONDING TO MUSIC:  We are still finishing our Jackson Pollock instrumental creations and performing.

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